Homework 1 of Introduction to Structural Biology
                                              -- Functions of proteins

1. Enzymatic function:

     PFK 1(phosphofructokinase)
      pdbID# 4PFK
     Amino acids residues: 319 AAs [complete with coordinates]

            Regulatory step of  Glycolysis pathway, the second "priming" reaction of glycolysis. Make Fructose-6-phosphate(F6P) convert to Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate(F-1,6-BP).


     Casein Kinase 1
        pdbID# 1CSN
       Amino acids residues: 298 AAs [complete with coordinates]

      The major protein of milk, contains many phosphates and serves to bring essential phosphorus to the growing infant. Phosphotransfease.


        pdbID# 1BBH
        Amino acids residues: Monomer131AAs, dimer 262AAs [complete with coordinates]

      Carrying and transfer agent(ie. carry electron), in which the heme iron is converted Fe2+  to Fe 3+and back in the electron transport chain.



        pdbID# 1GCN
        Amino acids residues: 29AAs [complete with coordinates]
   A kind of hormone, regulate blood glucose concentration level , with insulin, and make Glycogen breakdown, regulate fatty acid syvthesis,and active in liver and adipose tissue.


    IgG Jel 103 Fab Fragment    
      Amino acids residues: 434 AAs [complete with coordinates]




      Amino acids residues: 413AAs [complete with coordinates]

     A kind of Leu zipper, may be homodimer or hetrodimer(like c-fos c-jun, pdbID#1FOS), a kind of DNA binding motif, usually exists in  transcription  factor DNA binding domain.



    pdbID# 1KWA
    Amino acids residues: 176 AAs [complete with coordinates]

   A kind of proteoglycan, integral transmenbrane protein.



8.Exotic function:

    AFGP Qae( antifreeze glycoprotein Qae)
     pdbID# 1MSI
     Amino acids residues: 70 AAs [complete with coordinates]

    Antifreeze protein of fish(Antarctic fish), a kind of glycoprotein, and it is hydrophobic. Inhibit the formation of ice in the fish by binding specifically to the growth sites of ice crystals, inhibiting further growth of the crystals.
