1999 Volume 6 Number 10 pp 953 - 960
of gp41-mediated HIV-1 cell entry inhibitors from biased combinatorial
libraries of non-natural binding elements
Marc Ferrer1, Tarun M. Kapoor2, Tim Strassmaier3, Winfried Weissenhorn4, 5, John J. Skehel6, Dan Oprian3, Stuart L. Schreiber2, 5, Don C. Wiley1, 4, 5 & Stephen C. Harrison1, 4, 5 1. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, 7 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA.
trimeric, -helical
coiled-coil core of the HIV-1 gp41 ectodomain is thought to be part of
a transient, receptor-triggered intermediate in the refolding of the envelope
glycoprotein into a fusion-active conformation. In an effort to discover
small organic inhibitors that block gp41 activation, we have generated
a biased combinatorial chemical library of non-natural binding elements
targeted to the gp41 core. From this library of 61,275 potential ligands,
we have identified elements that, when covalently attached to a peptide
derived from the gp41 outer-layer -helix,
contribute to the formation of a stable complex with the inner core and
to inhibition of gp41-mediated cell fusion.
The attachment of enveloped viruses to cells and the fusion of viral and cellular membranes ? the critical early events in viral infection ? are mediated by envelope glycoproteins (gp) on the surface of the virus. The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein, gp160, is proteolytically cleaved into gp120 and gp41, which remain noncovalently associated with one another. Gp120 binds the cellular receptors and together with the membrane-spanning gp41 mediates the fusion of the viral and cellular membranes1. The gp120?gp41 complex undergoes conformational changes triggered by binding of gp120 with the cellular receptors2-7, leading to activation of its membrane fusion properties8-10. |
structure of a proteolytically resistant ectodomain of HIV-1 gp41 in the
putative fusion-competent conformation has been determined8-10.
Three gp41 subunits form a bundle of six helices. The core of the bundle
is a parallel, triple-stranded, -helical
coiled-coil, made up of the gp41 N-terminus. Wrapped antiparallel on the
outside of this core is an outer layer of three, C-terminal -helices.
This structure shares features with fusion-mediating subunits of other
enveloped virus glycoproteins, including the HA2 subunit of influenza virus11,
the F1 subunit of the paramyxovirus SV512-14,
the GP2 subunit of Ebola virus15, 16,
and the TM subunits of the retroviruses MuMoLV17,
HTLV-118, 19, and SIV-120,
21. In all these cases, the fusion glycoprotein
forms a rod-shaped -helical
bundle (reviewed by Skehel and Wiley22).
Triggered formation of the fusogenic conformation of the viral envelope protein appears to be a general mechanism of infection by several enveloped viruses23. Inhibition of this conformational activation is therefore an appealing general strategy for the treatment or prevention of viral infections24-28. In the case of HIV-1, peptides derived from predicted -helical segments of gp4127-29 have potent antiviral activity. In fact, one such peptide, DP-178, a 36-mer that includes part of the outer layer, C-terminal -helix (residues Tyr 127?Phe 162), has been shown in clinical trials to reduce HIV-1 to undetectable levels30. The structure of the gp41 ectodomain has confirmed that these peptides correspond to parts of the outer layer, C-terminal -helix. The structure suggests that these peptides block fusion by binding to the surface of the trimeric, coiled-coil inner core of gp41 and preventing the formation of the fusion-active six-helix bundle structure. Thus, the surface of the trimeric, coiled-coil inner core of gp41 appears to be a valid target for the design of ligands with anti-viral activity. Furthermore, the amino acid side chains on the surface of the inner core are highly conserved, a likely consequence of their role in assembly of a fusion-competent structure. This observation suggests that the amino acids on the surface of the core may be more constrained in their ability to undergo drug-resistance mutations. |
structure of the gp41 ectodomain shows that there is a deep cavity on the
surface of the inner core, which might be targeted by small molecule inhibitors8
1). This cavity lies near sites implicated by mutagenesis in fusion
activity31-33. It is formed by residues surrounding
amino acids Leu 57, Trp 60, and Lys 63 on the inner layer helix, and it
is occupied in the gp41 structure by residues Trp 117, Trp 120, and Ile
124 on the outer layer -helices.
The effects of mutations in the last three residues confirm that they contribute
to the stability of the core and to fusion activity33,
although the role of other residues along the outer helix that also contribute
to the buried interface was not tested.
We have initiated efforts towards the discovery of small organic inhibitors that block gp41 activation by generating and screening biased combinatorial chemical libraries targeted to the trimeric core. The use of structural information of a receptor?ligand complex to guide the design of combinatorial libraries of non-natural binding elements has been successfully applied to identify SH3 domain ligands34, 35. We have combined the insights gained from the gp41 X-ray structures, analysis of the effects of mutations on fusogenic activity, and biophysical and biochemical analyses of the peptide inhibitors, to design a combinatorial library of non-natural binding elements targeted to interact with the cavity on the surface of the inner core described above. The strategy we have followed is shown in Fig. 2. A peptide with a sequence corresponding to residues Asn 125?Gln 142 of the gp41 outer helix was used as the biasing element. The combinatorial library of non-natural binding elements was synthesized on the N-terminus of this peptide, replacing amino acids Trp 117?Ile 124. Design,
synthesis and screening of a biased library
determine whether color intensity correlated with the length of the peptide
and hence with the strength of binding the following controls were carried
out. Color deposition on the bead was measured for a series of peptide
pairs with and without the sequence between Trp 117?Ile 124 (WMEWDREI).
These residues will be substituted by non-natural binding elements in the
library. Three pairs of peptides (Fig.
3a) were synthesized, purified, and recoupled to beads by amide
formation between a Lys side chain from the peptide and an activated carboxylate
group on the resin. Under the conditions of the assay, beads containing
a peptide with residues Trp 117?Leu 150, corresponding to almost the full
length of the outer-layer -helix,
showed a very intense color (and hence a high efficiency of inner-coil
binding). The similar peptide lacking the first eight N-terminal residues
gave a lighter color. Another pair of shorter peptides, truncated at Gln
142, gave intense color for the long sequence, amino acids Trp 117?Gln
142, and very weak color for the peptide lacking the eight N-terminal residues.
In the shortest pair of peptides tested, the long peptide, Trp 117?Ile
135, gave a very weak signal and the peptide lacking the eight N-terminal
residues gave no detectable signal. The specificity of the interaction
between the outer-layer -helical
peptides tethered to the beads and the gp41 region on the target chimeric
protein was confirmed by competition with soluble, full length outer-helix
peptide (Trp 117?Leu 150). Addition of the soluble peptide abolished color
formation on beads carrying the peptide Trp 117?Leu 150 (data not shown)
demonstrating that the bead-tethered peptide was not interacting with the
GCN4 moiety of the target protein. Together, these results show that color
deposition on the beads increases with the length of the peptide and with
the presence of the Trp-rich sequence. If we assume that color intensity
is a measure of affinity, these findings confirm the importance of the
Trp-rich region at the N-terminus of the gp41 outer helix for binding to
the inner core.
We also tested these peptides for inhibition of gp41-mediated cell fusion activity in a cell-cell fusion assay (Table 1). Inhibitory activity increased with the length of the peptide and the presence of the Trp-rich sequence, validating our screening strategy, which assumes that the affinity will correlate with inhibition. |
the on-bead affinity assay and the cell-cell fusion results, we selected
the peptide Asn 125?Gln 142 (NNYTSLIHSLIEESQNQQ) as a biasing element.
This was the shortest peptide starting at Asn 125 for which incorporating
the Trp-rich sequence resulted in a large difference in both on-bead affinity
3a,b) and cell-cell fusion inhibition (Table
1). A three position (C-M1-M2) library of 61,275 unique compounds was
generated by a split-pool synthesis compatible with recursive deconvolution.
The building blocks for positions M1 and M2 (monomers, Mni, Fig.
4a) included non-natural amino acids that could be linked by
amide bonds. They were selected to take advantage of hydrophobic contacts
in the targeted pocket and to ensure that the relative orientation of hydrophobic
groups in two monomers in a ligand was as variable as possible (Fig.
4a). A total of 8% of the monomers were negatively charged;
these were introduced to take advantage of potential electrostatic interactions,
particularly those seen in the structures between Lys 63 on the inner core
and Asp 121 on the outer-layer -helix.
Two positively charged monomers were also included to increase diversity.
The capping reagents (Ci) used in position C included compounds likely
to mimic the indole group of Trp 117 (Fig.
4b). The results of the deconvolution procedure with the colorimetric
affinity-based assay described above are summarized in Fig.
ligand and gp41 inner core form stable complex
of gp41-mediated cell fusion by hybrid ligands
We used a cell-cell fusion assay to measure the capacity of the identified ligands to inhibit gp41-mediated cell membrane fusion. (Table 1; Fig. 7). DP-178 (Tyr 127?Phe 162), the peptide corresponding to a segment of the outer-layer -helix originally described to have anti-viral activity28, 39, was used as a positive control. In our cell fusion assay, DP-178 has an EC50 of 50 nM. The full length outer layer -helix peptide, p38 (Trp 117?Lys 154), the hybrid ligand with the N-terminal eight residues replaced by C7-Mn34-Mn42 (C7-Mn34-Mn42-Asn 125?Lys 154) and the peptide with the N-terminal eight residues absent, p30 (Asn 125?Lys 154), had EC50 values of 3 nM, 0.3 M, and 7 M, respectively (Table 1). Thus removing the N-terminal eight residues reduces the inhibition ~2,500-fold (3 nM to 7 M for p30), and replacing the eight residues with the non-natural moiety C7-Mn34-Mn42 restores inhibition by only ~20-fold (7 M to 0.3 M). These data indicate that although the combinatorial moiety interacts sufficiently strongly when coupled to a peptide to form a stable complex with the inner core, it interacts about a 100-fold more weakly than the native amino acid sequence. This may indicate that the non-natural portion makes fewer contacts than anticipated ? a proposal that can be directly tested by determining the structure of the crystallized complex. The peptide p26 (Table 1), Trp 117?Gln 142, that corresponds to the biasing element plus the Trp-rich region, has an EC50 of 3 M. The biasing peptide alone, amino acids Asn 125?Gln 142 (p18) showed no detectable inhibition at concentrations up to 200 M. C7-Mn34-Mn42-p18, the hybrid ligand isolated from screening the library, also did not have inhibitory activity at concentrations up to 200 M. These results confirm that the eight N-terminal residues are critical for the inhibitory activity of a peptide as short as p26. Furthermore, the observation that p26, containing the N-terminal eight residue, Trp-rich region, is a slightly more potent inhibitor than p30 (3 M to 7 M) which lacks the Trp-rich region but contains 12 residues at the C-terminus, suggests that both terminal sequences of the outer layer helix fragment Asn 125?Gln 142, provide similar binding energy to the inner core. |
of inhibition by outer-layer peptides
The trimeric core of gp41 is likely to be part of a transient intermediate in the folding of gp41 to a fusion-active conformation. Inhibitors such as DP-178 are thought to bind to this transient intermediate, causing misfolding of gp41 during the transition to a fusion active state8, 9, 38, 40, 41. Here, we show that it is possible to obtain ligands to the intermediate transient state, and that these ligands can improve inhibitory activity. We have observed that the peptide p38, and the hybrid ligand, C7-M34-M42-p30, are more potent inhibitors of cell-cell fusion than the peptide p30, which lacks the Trp-rich sequence from Trp 117?Ile 124. These results suggest that the target sequence of the inner core ? residues near Leu 57, Trp 60, and Lys 63 (Fig. 1), which are covered by the Trp-rich sequence in gp41 ? is exposed and available at some stage during the gp41-mediated membrane fusion. The effects of mutations in the last three residues show that this segment also contributes to the stability of the gp41 core33. The roles of other residues along the outer helix that contribute to the buried interface have not been tested. The relative inhibitory capacities of DP-178 (Tyr 127?Phe 162; 60 nM) and p38 (Trp 117?Lys 154, 3 nM) suggest that the ten N-terminal residues unique to p38 interact more strongly with the core than do the eight C-terminal residues unique to DP-178. This result is consistent with proteolysis experiments38, 42, 43 and with the gp41 structures8-10. The N-terminal residues contained in p38 have stable helical contacts, while the C-terminal residues contained in DP-178 are proteolytically sensitive, presumably due to contacts beyond Lys 154. By selecting resistant virus that grows in the presence of the inhibitory peptide DP-178, part of its target site has been localized to residues Gly 36 and Val 38 near the N-terminus of the inner-core -helices44. The three-dimensional structure of gp41 shows that Gly 36 and Val 38 contact residue Asn 145 on the outer helix, which is present in DP-178, but it remains unclear by what mechanism the Trp-rich sequence at the C terminus of DP-178 confers anti-viral activity and fusion-inhibitory activity on an otherwise inactive peptide (p30). It might enhance binding of p30 to the inner core, as does the N-terminal sequence present in p38. Structural information about the mechanism of such an enhancement is not available, however, since the gp41 inner core residues that would be opposite this segment are missing from the various fragments studied crystallographically. Conclusions
and prospects
The observation that the shorter hybrid ligand, C7-Mn34-Mn42-p18 (p18 being the biasing element used to construct the library) binds to the trimeric gp41 inner core when attached to a bead, but not when free in solution, suggests that multiple interactions are needed to capture the probe. That is, our affinity selection procedure was probably in practice an avidity assay, leading to detection of rather weakly binding ligands. To improve the bead assay, we are now constructing a gp41 target in which tow of the three grooves of the surface of the trimeric inner core are occupied by covalently attached C-terminal helices, and only one is free to interact with a potential ligand from a biased library. This gp41 variant should provide a monovalent probe for library screening. We also expect that the two outer layer helices will stabilize the variant and it will therefore not dissociate at low concentrations (nM). By lowering the concentration of target protein we expect to increase further the stringency of the screen. |
MethodsPeptide synthesis. Peptides were synthesized with an Applied Biosystems Peptide Synthesizer (Model 431A) using standard solid-phase Fmoc chemistry on a PAL-support (Perseptive Biosystems, MA), that yields peptide amides. Peptides were cleaved using TFA/5% phenol/5% H2O/5% thioanisole/2.5% 1,2-ethanedithiol (10 ml, for 2 h) and purified with HPLC on a C-18 reversed phase column (Vydac, CA) using a triethylamine acetate, pH 5.9/acetonitrile buffer system. Peptides were characterized by electrospray mass spectrometry at the Mass Spectrometry Facility in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. Preparation of biotinylated gp41 inner core. The pII41N-Cys construct41 was used to obtain the trimeric gp41 inner core for screening the library of non-natural ligands. This protein construct contains 31 residues of pIIGCN4, and residues Ala 30?Gln 79 from the HIV-1 gp41 inner coil. Residue Ser 13 of pIIGCN4 was mutated to cysteine. pII41N-Cys was expressed in E.coli BL21 DE3/pUBS. Inclusion bodies were washed as described in Weissenhorn et al.41 and solubilized in 6 M GdmHCl, and 20 mM DTT buffer. Refolding was carried out by diluting 1/50 in 20 mM HEPES, 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM DTT, 0.6 M GdmHCl, pH 6.5, and dialyzing against 20 mM HEPES, 50 mM NaCl, pH 7.0 at 4 ˇăC (2 8 h). Biotinylation of the cysteines was carried out with biotin-maleimide (Molecular Probes), which was dissolved in DMSO and added to the protein solution at ~10-fold molar excess over monomeric protein. Coupling was carried out overnight at 25 ˇăC. The protein solution was then dialyzed against PBS (3 8 h) at 4 ˇăC, and concentrated to ~15 M. Biotinylation was confirmed by Western blotting with streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase. Peptide resins for optimization of the on-bead affinity-based selection assay. Peptides were attached to the solid support by amide bond formation between an activated carboxylic acid on the solid support and an amine from a Lys on the peptide. The Lys residues were at the C-terminus or placed in the sequence at an exposed position (Fig. 3a). In a typical synthesis, 200 mg of TentaGel S NH2 (RAPP Polymere, 0.25 mg ml-1, 80 mm) were treated with succinic anhydride (4 equiv, 0.2 mmol), and DIEA (8 equiv, 0.4 mmol) in 1 ml DMF for 2 h. The resin was drained, washed with CH2Cl2 (5 ml 3), DMF (5 ml 3), CH2Cl2 (5 ml 3), and dried overnight in a vacuum desiccator. 5 mg (~0.00125 mmol) of this resin was then treated with N-hydroxy succinimide (10 equiv, 0.0125 mmol) and diisopropylcarbodiimide (10 equiv, 0.0125 mmol) in 200 ml of CH2Cl2 for 15 min. The resin was drained, washed with CH2Cl2 (5 ml 3), DMF (5 ml 3), and treated with a solution of peptide (1.2 equiv, 0.0015 mmol) and DIEA (10 equiv, 0.0125 mmol) in 400 ml DMF for 3 h. The peptide resin was drained and washed extensively with CH2Cl2 (5 ml 3), DMF (5 ml 3), CH2Cl2 (5 ml 3) prior to screening. |
fusion assay. A DNA clone of CD4 was obtained through the AIDS Research
and Reference Reagent Program, Division of AIDS, NIAID, NIH, from R. Axel
(Columbia University). T7 polymerase and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV)
DNA were from ATCC (Rockville, MD). The luciferase gene pGL2 enhancer plasmid
and luciferase assay system were from Promega (Madison, WI).
A luciferase reporter vector, pST7luc, was constructed by inserting a T7 promoter into pSP64 upstream of the cloning site. The internal ribosome entry site (IRES) from EMCV was then ligated in-frame to the 5' end of the gene for luciferase and downstream from the T7 promoter. The genes for CD4, T7 polymerase, and HIV-1 gp160HXB were subcloned into the mammalian expression vector, PMT3 (ref. 45). The fusion assay was a modification of the reporter gene activation technique developed by Nussbaum et al.46. 293T cells were transfected by the calcium phosphate method in 10 cm dishes. Effector cells were cotransfected with equal amounts of gp160HXB, and T7 polymerase, and target cells were cotransfected with pST7luc and CD4. As negative controls, either gp160HXB or CD4 were replaced in the transfection with the empty expression vector, PMT3. 40 h after addition of DNA precipitates, the cells were washed with serum free DMEM, then incubated 30?40 min with 9 ml/plate serum free DMEM at 37 ˇăC. The cells were then gently dislodged from the plate by pipetting and pelleted in a clinical centrifuge. Each plate of cells was resuspended in 3?4 ml of DMEM with 10% FBS. 45 l of target cells and 45 l of effector cells were mixed in 96 well plates along with 10 l of media (or PBS) with or without increasing concentrations of peptide. The peptides were dissolved in DMSO, then diluted 20-fold to their final stock concentration in PBS. Serial dilutions were made in media just prior to assay. The mixture of target cells, effector cells and inhibitor was agitated briefly, then incubated at 37 ˇăC for 8 h. To assay luciferase activity, the medium was aspirated and the cells lysed in 60 l of IX reporter lysis buffer (Promega). 40 l of lysate was transferred to a black 96 well plate, and 100 l of beetle luciferin and coenzyme A was added. Chemilluminescence was measured 2 min after addition of luciferase substrate in a 96 well plate reader attachment on a Spex fluorolog-3 fluorimeter using an emission wavelength of 552 nm and 7 mm slit widths. EC50 values were estimated by fitting inhibition data to an equation for simple equilibrium binding: % luciferase activity = 100/(1+(C/EC50)). Received 30 April 1999; Accepted 22 June 1999. |