Please find the complex structure of barley lipid transfer protein with palmitate from PDB.

            1. Find the following data from its header file:
                       PDB ID¡G
                       Experimental method¡G
                           NMR, 10 Structures
                       Organism (give scientific name) and organ where this protein come from ¡G
                           Hordeum vulgare
                       Location of its four helixs (i.e. Ala12 - Gly20) ¡G
                           helix 1 (GLY4 - GLY19), helix 2 (GLU26 - GLN37), helix 3 (SER41 - ARG56)
                          and helix 4 (LEU63 - CYS73)
                       Positions of its four disulfide bonds ( i.e. Cys3 - Cys24) ¡G
                           ssbond 1 (CYS3 - CYS50), ssbond 2 (CYS13 - CYS27), ssbond 3
                           (CYS28 - CYS73) and ssbond 4 (CYS48 - CYS87).
                       Give the chemical formula of the ligand¡G
           2. Show two different views of this protein by Rasmol, one of them
             must show its ligand in spacefill display.

           3. Show protein in cartoon with its four disulfide bonds in yellow color.

           4. Measure the bond length of each disulfide bond ( -S-S- ) and calculate
             the average bond length of disulfide bond.
                   Cys3 -> Cys50: 5.2 angstrom, Cys13 -> Cys27: 6.4 angstrom, Cys28 -> Cys73: 5.7 angstrom,
                   and Cys 48 -> Cys 87: 4.1 angstrom, and the average bond length is 5.35 angstrom.
         5. Show residues in protein that are within 3.0 angstrom of carboxylic
             group (COO-) of ligand.