Moloney murine sarcoma virus
The Blast search shows the following matches - SEARCH RESULT .
The details about the gene can be found the following site - SEARCH RESULT
The details of the above gene can be found
at the PubMed ref. No. 6173134
1981 Oct 23;214(4519):445-450
Complete nucleotide sequence and organization
of the
Moloney murine sarcoma virus genome.
Reddy EP, Smith MJ, Aaronson SA
The complete nucleotide sequence of a mammalian transforming retrovirus.
murine sarcoma virus, has been determined. MSV, recombinant virus derived
of helper
viral and cellular sequences, possesses termini resembling prokaryotic
elements. The viral genome has the coding capacity for the Moloney
murine leukemia
virus gag gene product and contains large deletions in pol and env
genes. A large open
reading frame encompassing its cell-derived sequences codes for its
transforming protein. The nature of some of the important domains in
the viral genome
has been established, and their structure is discussed in relation
to their function.
2. Basic BLAST analysis shows that lycopersicon
Lycopersicon esculentum is
nothing but common tomato. There are
1273 nucleotide sequences, 1168 protein
sequences and one structure were found so far.
These detail were found in Taxonomy
section of NCBI site Blast search.
Analysis of its nucleotide sequence of class II small heat shock protein
1 tacggctgcg
agaagacgac agaaggggac tgcaattaca aatcaaacca aaattgacaa
61 atttcacgca caaaatcaca atatccaaaa
atttctcaat actgaaaatg gatttgaggt
121 tgttgggtat cgataacaca ccactcttcc
acactctcca ccatatgatg gaagctgccg
181 gtgaagattc cgacaagtct gtcaatgcac
catcaaggaa ctatgttcgt gatgctaagg
241 ccatggctgc tacaccagcg gatgtgaagg
agtatcctaa ttcgtatgtt tttgttgtgg
301 atatgccagg gttgaaatct ggagatatca
aagtgcaggt ggaagaagac aatgtgctgt
361 tgattagtgg tgaaaggaag agggaagaag
agaaagaagg tgcaaagttt attaggatgg
421 agagaagggt tgggaaattc atgaggaagt
ttagtctgcc agagaatgcg aatactgatg
481 caatttctgc agtttgtcaa gatggagttc
tgactgttac tgttcagaaa ttgcctcctc
541 ctgagccaaa gaaacccaaa acaattgagg
tgaaagttgc ttgaagttat ggactctgtt
601 ttgatggttt gtggtatgat gtagtagaaa
taaagttgta ggagtagtga acttttcctt
661 tcatctttct gctatgtttt cacgtctgtt
tgaatgttac aatagccatg ggtattgttt
721 gttttgatgc caaaaaaa