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Amino Acids | Color Name | RGB Values | Hexadecimal |
ASP, GLU | bright red | [230,10,10] | E60A0A |
CYS, MET | yellow | [230,230,0] | E6E600 |
LYS, ARG | blue | [20,90,255] | 145AFF |
SER, THR | orange | [250,150,0] | FA9600 |
PHE, TYR | mid blue | [50,50,170] | 3232AA |
ASN, GLN | cyan | [0,220,220] | 00DCDC |
GLY | light grey | [235,235,235] | EBEBEB |
LEU, VAL, ILE | green | [15,130,15] | 0F820F |
ALA | dark grey | [200,200,200] | C8C8C8 |
TRP | pink | [180,90,180] | B45AB4 |
HIS | pale blue | [130,130,210] | 8282D2 |
PRO | flesh | [220,150,130] | DC9682 |
Nucleoside | Color Name | RGB Values | Hexadecimal |
Adenosine | light blue | [160,160,255] | A0A0FF |
Cytosine | orange | [255,140,75] | FF8C4B |
Guanosine | light red | [255,112,112] | FF7070 |
Thymidine | light green | [160,255,160] | A0FFA0 |
Uridine | dark grey | [184,184,184] | B8B8B8 |
The black background in the Amino Acids (or Nucleoside) and Color Name columns corresponds to the "standard" background color in RasMol. Note that the rendering of the hexadecimal-equivalent colors shown here will depend on your browser, monitor type and settings, etc. Thus, they only approximate how RasMol will render the RGB colors on your computer.
These color names are not the ones specified as "Predefined Colors" in RasMol; thus, they can only be specified on the command line as RGB triplets.