The Contains this method finds all terms that contain the entered
word, letter or fragment (e.g., if you wanted to get a list of all our
cell type terms, you'd enter "cyte").
The Begins with search lets you browse terms that start with a specific
letter or prefix.
If you seek a basic single-word term such as "gene" or "protein", the Begins
with search will result in a much shorter list of terms to scroll through,
but occasionally you may miss the term you want.
The Definitions Search lets you get a list of terms related to a
specific subject or technique (e.g., to find all our terms dealing with
evolution, type in "evolution").
Searches are case-insensitive.
If you type in more than one word (such as "nucleic acid"), you will receive
only entries that have both "nucleic" and "acid" in their
titles (so you might want to run the words in a multiword term separately).
Words will be listed alphabetically, with capitalized words grouped first.
Search with U.S. English spellings.
Don't use hyphens or quotation marks.
Use the singular versions of words (e.g., look for "triglyceride"
instead of "triglycerides").
To avoid missing entries, search with word fragments instead of entire
words, especially if you're uncertain of a spelling (e.g., if you don't
know if it's spelled "murine" or "murean," just query with "mur.")