C. The NAD binding property of ALDH  is different from classic way

Most of the dinucleotide-binding domains have Rossmann folds.  And ALDH have Rossmann fold to bind NAD.

ALDH Glu140 bind the Adenosine ribose of NAD.  And it formed some hydrogen bond and van der waals contact.

ALDH has a NAD-binding Rossmann fold is located in £]4 -£\D-£]2.

Rossmann fold  £] -£\-£]  and £] -£\-£] -£\-£]

ALDH and ADH use different residue interact with NAD

ALDH  use Glu140 to have contact with NAD.

But ADH use Asp223 to bind NAD

Helix £\A has been termed the" dinucleotide -binding helix" since its helix dipole provides a favourable interaction with the nagtive charged pyrophosphate moiety  of the dinucleotide. The fingerprint  sequence is GXGXXG is often in £]1-£\A loop , and it is the classic way. So ALDH and ADH have different fasion binding NAD.

ALDH have new NAD-binding Rossmann fold

The binding Rossmann fold of ALDH and ADH.

£]4 -£\D-£]2
term as :£]-£\,£]

term as :£]-£\-£]

Classic NAD-binding fingerprint

 In classic NAD-binding Rossmann fold, and sequence is conserved call  a fingerprint sequence :


These three Gly position in classic fasion have different meaning in structure

The Ramachandran Plot of these 3 Gly position of the fingerprint sequence:

The first Gly G1 allows for a tight turn of the main chain with special(£p,£r) angels.

G2 allows the coenzyme to pack close to £\A producing a favourable charge-dipole interaction.  Also because steric hindrance with the bound dinucleotide would occur with a side chain at this position.

G3 residue is important to provide space for a close interaction between the £] strands and £\ helix.

ALDH have new NAD-binding fingerprint sequence:

ALDH NAD-binding fingerprint sequence is--


  but this figerprint sequence is located at £]4 -£\D, not £]1-£\A. Just see the sequence bellow-- (b)

  The figerprint is an Rossmann fold, but ALDH loss the fingerprint in £]1-£\A-£]2 fold. And changes to £]4 -£\D-£]2 .  And the sequence is different form classic way.

The (c) shown the ALDH disappeared the fingerprint sequence in £]1-£\A.


1. ALDH  has a new NAD-binding Rossmann fold , and it is different from classic NAD-binding Rossmann fold , such as Alcohol DHase .

2. ALDH NAD-binding fingerprint is G-X-T-X-X-G.

    ADH NAD-binding fingerprint is   G-X-G-X-X-G

3. ALDH  family have a conserved residue Glu140, and    Glu140 forms H-bond to adenosine ribose of NAD.



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                                                                          1999/1/11   Matthew J. Wu

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