Topic |
Introduction |
Chang |
2 |
The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance, |
Chang |
Patterns of Inheritance |
Chang |
Molecular Biology of the Gene, The Control of Gene Expression |
Chang |
Recombinant DNA Technology, The Human Genome |
Chang |
1st Examination , |
Chang |
How Populations Evolve |
The Origin of Species |
Tracing Evolutionary History , The Origin and Evolution of Microbial Life |
Plants, Fungi, and the Colonization of Land, The Evolution of Animal Diversity |
2nd Examination |
The Chemical Basis of Life |
, The Molecules of Cells |
The Tour of the Cell, Holiday(11/19), |
The Working Cell, Holiday(11/12) |
How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy, Photosynthesis |
Final Examination |
Hwan-You Chang 張晃猷, Wen-Ching Wang王雯靜, Chyng-Shyan Tzeng曾晴賢
Time: W3,F3,F4
Campbell, Mitchell & Reece, 1997, Biology: concepts and connections, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
Grading: 1st:30%; 2nd:30%; Final:40%. Quiz: 10 bonus points.
Name |
H.-Y. Chang |
hychang@life.nthu.edu.tw | F8, F9 |
W.-C. Wang |
lswwc@life.nthu.edu.tw |
C.-S. Tzeng |
lstcs@life.nthu.edu.tw |
方志宇 | LS-II-515 |
d878202@oz.nthu.edu.tw |