- LS4732 Immunology 免疫學
- LS4741 Medical Virology 醫用病毒學
- LSBT5754 Special Topics in RNA Virus Biotechnology RNA病毒生物科技特論
- LSBT5762 Vaccines and Immunization Science 疫苗與免疫科學
- LSBT5642 Vaccine Engineering 疫苗工程學
- LSBT5761 Introduction to Drug and Medical Device Regulation 生技醫藥器械法規導論
- LSBT5763 Drug and Medical Device Regulations in US 美國生技醫藥器械法規
- LSBT5767 Regulatory Sciences for Biologics and Vaccines 生物製劑與疫苗法規科學