Lecture Schedule
LS 6521 - Spring 1996
week, lecture topics, Speaker
4/12, Tyrosin phosphorylation participates in peripheral T-cell activation and programmed cell death in vivo, 蔡 權
4/12, Influence of a steroid receptor DNA-binding domain on transcriptional regulatory functions, 高智飛
4/19, Switching transcription on and off during the yeast cell cycle: Cln/Cdc28 kinase activate bound transcription factor SBE (Swi4/Swi6) at start, whereas Clb/Cdc28 kinase displace it from the promoter in G2, 蘇子祺
4/19, Analysis of a Detailed Genetic Linkage Map of Lactuca sativa Constructed From RFLP and RAPD Markers,黃淑莉
4/26, Taxol Provides a Second Singal for Murine Macrophage Tumoricidal Activity, 陳思齊
4/26, A Neural Tetraspanin, Encoded by late bloomer, That facilitates Synapse Formation, 陳一統
5/3, Selection of Single-stranded DNA Molecules That Bind and Inhibit Human Thrombin,郭曜郎
5/3, Dictyostelium Myosin Heavy Chain Kinase A Regulates Myosin Localization during Growth and Development,林上琪
5/10, no class
5/17, Crystal Structure and Mutational Analysis of the Human CDK2 Kinase Complex with Cell Cycle-Regulatory Protein CksHs1,李威昇
5/17, The structural basis of aspirin activity inferred from the crystal structure of inactivated prostaglandin H2 synthase陳怡凱 Abstract
5/24, 黃曉雯
5/24, 鍾昭宇
5/31, 簡源宏
5/31, 劉育昇
6/7, 陳俊男
6/7, 呂思嫻
You may send comments or your title to him at lslpc@life.nthu.edu.tw