LS3121 Plant Physiology       Lecture 14   2001      T. Y. Lin

Plant Hormones and Growth Regulators (Part I)

1.    Characteristics of a plant hormone

(1). An organic compound synthesized in plant.

(2). It can be translocated.

(3). It causes a physiological response in very low concentrations.

2.    Plant hormones and growth regulators

3.    The classes of plant hormones

(1). Auxins

(2). Gibberellins

(3). Cytokinins

(4). Ethylene

(5). Abscisic acid

(6). Salicylic acid

(7). Jasmonic acid (JA) and methyl jasmomate (MeJA)



I.    Background experiments

(1). Darwin, 1880, phototropism: the coleoptiles bend toward the source of the light.

(2). Went, 1926, auxin was present in the tip of oat coleoptiles.

II.          Biosynthesis, transport and metabolism of auxin

1.    Natural and synthetic auxins

(1). The principal auxin in higher plants is indole-3-acetic acid.

(2). The synthetic auxins: PAA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T

2.    The definition of an auxin

(1). Induce cell elongation in isolated coleoptiles or stem sections.

(2). Induce cell division in callus tissues in the presence of a cytokinin.

(3). Promote lateral root formation at the cut surfaces of stems.

(4). Induce pathenocarpic tomato fruit growth.

(5). Induce ethylene formation.

3.    The detection and analysis of auxin

(1). Bioassays (sensitivity 0.02-0.2 mg)

a.    The Avena (oat) coleoptile curvature assay

(a).  Germinate seeds in darkness and decapitate to deplete hormone reserves.

(b).  A block of agar containing the growth substance to be assayed is placed asymmetrically on the decapitated stump.  Two hours later, the curvature resulting from greater growth under the block is measured.

b.   The straight growth test

(a). Decapitated coleoptiles are incubated in the solution to be assayed.

(b). Changes in length during a 12 h period are measured.

(c). Growth is proportional to log [IAA].

(2). HPLC-GC-MS methods (sensitivity 1 pg)

a.    The deuterium in the 4, 5, 6 and 7 positions of IAA indole ring is not exchanged in alkaline solution so d4-IAA is used as an internal standard.

c.    A known amount of d4-IAA and sufficient 14C-IAA to permit monitoring.

d.    IAA is purified by DEAE-Sephadex and reverse phase HPLC.  The sample is then methylated with diazomethane and chromatographed on a GLC column of intermediate polarity.  The IAA coming from the plant may be monitored at its molecular ion, 189, and at its major fragment ion, 130 (d4-IAA at 193 and 134).

(3).  Immunoassays: antibodies are prepared by coupling IAA (ng) to serum albumin with formaldehyde.

4.    Multiple pathways exist for the biosynthesis of IAA

(1). IAA synthesis begin with the shikimic pathway or occur from tryptophan.

The pathway from tryptophan to IAA

(2). IAA is also synthesized from indole or from indole-3-glycerol phosphate.

5.    Auxin transport

(1).  Auxin movement (parenchyma cells) is slow (1 cm h-1) and preferentially in a basipetal direction in stems.  Transport in roots is preferentially acropetal.

(2).  Polar transport of auxin requires metabolic energy since IAA is not transported under anaerobic conditions or in the presence of ATP synthesis inhibitors.

(3). Polar transport-a chemiosmotic model

a.       Auxin enters cells by passive diffusion or active transport (H+ symporter).

b.      Cells use plasma membrane ATPases to pump H+ from the cytosol to walls.

b.    The lower pH of walls keeps the carboxyl group of an auxin less dissociated than in the cytosol.

c.    Noncharged auxins cotransport with H+ from the cell wall into cytosol.

d.    IAA- builds up and moves out from the basal end (carrier proteins).

(4).  Phytotropins (inhibitor auxin transport) bind to specific sites on the plasma membrane.

(5).  Auxin is transported nonpolarly in the phloem.

(6).  Most IAA in plant is in a covalently bound form.

a.     IAA is found to be conjugated to glucose, myo-inositol, amide, glucan and glycoprotein.  The bound auxins do not stimulate plant cell growth.

b.    Possible roles of bound IAA: storage and transport.

(7).  Multiple pathways degrade IAA.

(8).  There are two subcellular pools of IAA: the cytosol and the chloroplasts.

III.       Physiological effects of auxin

1.     Cell elongation

(1).  Auxins induce cell elongation in stems and coleoptiles (10-6 to 10-5 M).

(2).  Auxin induces the synthesis of ethylene, a root growth inhibit.

(3).  Low concentration of auxin (10-10 to 10-9 M) promotes the growth of intact root, but higher concentration of auxin (10-6 M) inhibits growth.

(4).  The minimum lag time for auxin-induced growth is 10 minutes.

a.           The stimulation of growth by auxin requires energy.

b.          Proteins with high turnover rates are involved.

c.           Inhibitors of RNA synthesis also inhibit auxin-induced growth.

(5). Auxin induced proton extrusion acidifies cell wall, increasing extensibility.

a.            The wall-loosing factor (WLF), the acid growth theory, H+ is the WLF.

(a).  Auxin causes cells to extrude protons actively into the cell wall.

(b).  The apolplastic pH activates wall-loosening enzymes.

b.           Specific proteins mediate acid-induced loosening of the cell wall.

(a).  Hydrolases are not cell wall-loosening enzymes.

(b).  Expansin causes wall loosening in response to acid pH.

2.     Phototropism and gravitropism

(1).  Phototropism

a.          Cholodny-Went model: phototropism may be mediated by an unequal lateral distribution of auxin at the tip (on the shaded side).

b.         A falavoprotein, NPH1 (116 kDa, an autophosphorylating protein kinase) is a blue light photoreceptor for phytochrome.

(2).  Gravitropism

a.          In soybean hypocotyls, gravitropism leads to a rapid asymmetry in the accumulation of small auxin up-regulated RNAs (SAURs).

b.         Arabidopsis AUX1 code for a protein similar to permease.

c.         Gravity perception involves amyloplasts in cells of starch sheath and root cap.

(a).  Statoliths are amyloplasts that function as gravity sensors.  Statocytes are the specialized gravity-sensing cells (the starch-statolith hypothesis).

(b).  Gravity can be detected in the absence of statoliths (the plasmalemma central control model).

(3).  The root cap may play a role in the lateral redistribution of auxin.

3.           Auxin regulates apical dominance (the direct-inhibition model)

(1).  Auxin level in the stem inhibits the growth of lateral buds.

(2).  [Auxin] in auxiliary bud increased following decapitation of shoot apex.

(3).  Auxin makes the shoot apex a sink for cytokinin from the root.

(4).  Apical dominance of Elytrigia repens is associated with ABA reduction.

4.           Auxin promotes the formation of lateral roots and adventitious roots.

5.           Auxin delays the onset of leaf abscission.

6.           Auxin regulates floral bud development.

7.           Auxin promotes fruit development (parthenocarpy).

8.           Auxin induces vascular differentiation.

III.   The Mechanism of Auxin Action

1.           A possible auxin receptor

(1). Auxin-binding sites: ER, plasmalemma, and tonoplast.

(2). Auxin-binding protein 1 (ABP1) (22 kDa) forms a dimmer in ER.

(3). ABP1 participates in the rapid auxin-induced increase in membrane voltage.

2.           The MAP kinase cascade may mediate auxin effects.

3.           Auxin may induce the ubiquitination of nuclear proteins.

4.           Auxin-induced genes

(1).  Early genes

a.          Aux/IAA (5 to 60 min): 19 to 36 kDa, a hydrophilic polypeptide, a nuclear localization signal, and a DNA-binding motif.

b.         SAUR (2 to 5 min): insensitive to cycloheximide, a cluster of 5 similar genes, 10 kDa

c.         GH3 (5 min), 70 kDa

(2). Late genes: GST-like genes, ACC synthase

(3). Each auxin response domain is a composite structure of two AuxREs, a variable constitutive element adjacent to a conserved TGTCTC element.

(4). Early auxin genes may be under negative control of a short-lived repressor.

a.           The expression of early genes is stimulated by cycloheximide.

b.          Cycloheximide rapidly inhibits auxin-induced proton extrusion and growth.

c.           Auxin may promote the ubiquitination of the repressor protein.

(5).  Fusicoccin activates preexisting H+-ATPases.

a.            Fusicoccin does not stimulate the expression of auxin-induced genes.

b.           Fusicoccin may displace the autoinhibitory C-terminal domain of the enzyme from the catalytic site.

c.           Fusicoccin binds to protein complexes on the plasma membrane.



I.     Biosynthesis, metabolism, and transport of gibberellin

1.           Gibberellin-like compounds were first measured by bioassays.

(1).  Gibberellins are related compounds defined by chemical structure.

(2).  Rice plants were induced to be tall by a chemical secreted by the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi.

(3).  The bioassays

a.    Lettuce hypocotyl elongation: sensitivity 1 to 100 ng/0.2 ml water.

b.   Dwarf rice/microdrop: sensitivity 0.1 to 100 ng of GA per plant.

c.    a-Amylase production in germinating cereal grain: 0.1 to 100 ng ml-1.

(4). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry provides definitive analysis

a.    Purification: an internal control to plant extract.

b.    HPLC for separation.

c.    Detection and analysis

       Chemical modification: put a methyl group on all carboxyl groups and a trimethylsilyl group on all hydroxyl groups.  GAs and other compounds partition between the helium and a silica column surface.

2.           Gibberellins biosynthesis

(1). Gibberellins are tetracyclic diterpenoids made up of four isoprenoid units.

(2). Cyclization geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to ent-kaurene (cyclases).

(3).  Oxidations to form GA12-aldehyde: a methyl group is oxidized to a carboxylic acid.  The B ring contracts from a six to a five-carbon ring to give GA12-aldehyde (P450 monooxygenases).

(4).  Formation of all other gibberellins by GA12-aldehyde (GA12)

a.    Hydroxylation at carbon 13 or carbon 3 or both.

b.    A successive oxidation at carbon 20 (CH2 ® CH2OH ® CHO), followed by loss of carbon 20 as CO2.

c.    GA20 is converted to the biological active form, GA1, by 3b-hydroxylase.

3.    GA1 may be the only GA controlling stem growth. (Le: GA20 to GA1).

(1).  Allele Na completely blocks biosynthesis of ent-kaurene to GA12-aldehyde.

(2).  GA1 (in tall plants) is rapidly metabolized to GA8 and GA8-catabolite.

(3).  Stem elongation corresponds to the amount of GA20 metabolized.

4.    Gibberellin intermediates can be transported.

5.    GA biosynthesis is regulated.

(1).  Photoperiod

a.            Shoots of spinach begin to elongate after increasing day lengt ~ 14 days.

b.           The rise in GA1 is the crucial factor in regulating spinach stem growth.

c.           GA20-oxidase mRNA was in the highest amount in shoot tips and elongating stems, and the level was higher under long-day conditions.

(2). Temperature

a.          Stratification and vernalization.

b.    Return to high temperatures after cold treatment, ent-kaurenoic acid is converted to GA9.

(3).  Feedback control.

5.     Gibberellins may be conjugated to sugars.

II.    Effects of gibberellins on growth and development

1.           Gibberellin stimulates stem growth in dwarf and rosette plants.

2.           GAs regulate the transition from Juvenile to adult phases

       English ivy (GA3) and conifers (GA4 + GA7)

3.           GAs influence floral initiation and sex determination.

(1).  Primary role of GA in sex determination: to suppress stamen development.

a.     Exposure to short days and cool nights increases endogenous GA levels in the tassel flowers 100-fold and causes feminization of the tassel flowers.

b.    Application of GA to the tassels can also induce pistillate flowers.

(2).  In dicots such as cucumber and spinach, GA seems to have opposite effect.

4.           GAs promote fruit set.

5.           GAs promote seed germination.

6.           GAs have commercial applications.

(1).  Fruit production: GAs increase the size of seedless grapes and the distance between branches and delay senescence in citrus plants, Gas.

(2).  Malting of barley and increase sugarcane growth and sugar yield.

(3). Uses in plant breeding

a.           GA4 and GA7 mixture is used to enhance seed production in Pinaceae.

b.   GA3 is used for Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae.

b.          The promotion of male flowers in cucumber.

c.           The stimulation of bolting in biennial vegetables such as beet and cabbage.

III.   Mechanisms of GA action

1.           GA stimulates cell elongation and cell division.

2.    GAs increase cell wall extensibility.

(1).  The lag before growth stimulated by GA is often somewhat longer.

(2).  GA stimulates growth and the activity of xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET), which allows expansin proteins to penetrate into the wall.

3.           GA regulates the cell cycle in intercalary meristems.

GA promotes cell division by increasing the level of a specific Cdc2 protein kinase along with the M cyclins required for the entry into mitosis.

4.           GA response mutants may be blocked in signal transduction.

(1).  Dwarf GA-insensitive mutants.

a.          Arabidopsis GAI gene encodes a protein with nuclear localization signal and leucine zipper DNA-binding motifs (a TF).

b.         The GAI repressor may bind to a GA-induced signaling intermediate (or to GA directly) and becomes inactivated.

(2).  Constitutive GA response mutant.

a.          The spy mutant can grow in the absence of GA biosynthesis.

b.         SPY is epistatic to gai.

c.         SPY is an N-acetyl glucosamine transferase.

5.           Mobilizing endosperm reserves

(1).  GAs produced from the embryo stimulated a-amylase production by the scutellum and the aleurone layer in cereal seeds.

(2).  The gibberellin receptor may be located on the plasma membrane and heterotrimeric G protein may be involved.

(3).  GA3 enhances the transcription of a-amylase mRNA

      mRNA: stimulating transcription or decreasing mRNA turnover?

a.     Nuclear run-off experiment to discriminate mRNA alternatives.

b.    GA promotes the transcription of a-amylase mRNA.

(4).  Several promoter elements confer GA responsiveness.

a.          GA response element (GARE): TAACAAA

b.         GA response complex (GARC): TAACAAA, TATCCAC, C/TCTTTC/T.

(5). Transcription factors regulate a-amylase gene expression.

a.    The regulatory proteins and DNA-binding.

b.    Hypothesis: GA stimulates the expression of the GA-MYB gene (TFs: GA induced MYB proteins), and the MYB protein serves as a transcriptional regulator of the gene for a-amylase.

c.         To cause the MYB gene to be expressed, GA may bring about the activation of one or more preexisting transcription factors.

(6). a-Amylase synthesis and secretion use two signal pathways.

a.          GA signal transduction seems to involve calcium ions and cyclic GMP.

b.         a-A calcium-dependent pathway regulates amylase secretion, whereas aa calcium-independent pathway regulates -amylase gene expression.