- Google 大神 - 大神畫地圖 - 大神也寫論文
- Scirus
- WWW Virtual Library
- 蕃薯藤
- NCBI - The National Center for Biotechnology Information
- PDB - Protein Data Bank -- mirrored site
- SCOP - Structural Classification of Proteins
- ExPASy - SwissProt - PROSITE
- CE - Combinatorial Extension
- Protein Conformer Generator
- Harvard Biological Laboratories
- New EBI Home Page
- The Johns Hopkins University BioInformatics Web Server
- BioMedNet
- MIT Biology Hypertextbook
- Hms Beagle
- Springer Link
- The Scientific World
- JSTOR - The Scholarly Journal Archive
- Stanford Genomic Resources -- SGD -- SMD
- MIPS - munich information canter for protein sequences
- YDPM - yeast deletion project and mitochondria
- GRID - general repository for interaction database
- DIP - database of interacting proteins
- Yeast GFP Fusion Localization Database
- KEGG - Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
- MetaCyc - Metabolic Pathway Database
- EcoCyc - Encyclopedia of E. coli K12 Genes and Metabolism
- BRENDA - The Comprehensive Enzyme Information System
- DPInterect - DNA-Protein Interactions Database
- YTPdb - The Yeast Transport Protein database
- Evolution Online Systems
- The Tree of Life Project Root Page
- TreeBASE (A Database of Phylogenetic Knowledge)
- Phylogenetics Resources
- Phylogenetics Database Access
- The International Willi Hennig Society
- Mindell Lab
- Theoretical Biophysics (Molecular Evolution) Laboratory
- PaleoMap
- Fu's population genetics programs
- DAMBE package
- 自然攝影中心
- 傾聽自然
- 賊狐狸的野鳥集
- 猛禽研究會
- 中華民國野鳥學會
- 青蛙小站
- 台灣魚類資料庫
- Sciscape科景
- 你不知道的台灣
- 中央氣象局
- 台灣鐵路公司
- 地下籃球雜誌
- CityFamily網路同學會
- Timberwolves
- Joint Typhoon Warning Center
- I C R T
- EZTalk
- Academia Sinica Life Science Library
- Journal Title Abbreviations
- Citational Index
- ScienceDirect
- MapQuest
- Amazon book store
- Orisinal Games
- Popcap Games
- The University of Chicago Wen-Hsiung Li's Home Page
- Greek letter
- Chinese Geographic Information Services
- The maps of USA
- The maps of Japan