Life Science Laboratory Safety
1. 實驗室內嚴禁飲食。 | ||||||||||||||||||
Never eat or drink in the laboratory.
2. 進入實驗室請穿著整齊並綁好長髮。 | Dress sensibly in the laboratory; confine long hair.
| 3. 實驗前後請徹底洗淨雙手。 | Wash your hands before and after the experiment.
| 4. 操作實驗時需戴手套,接觸公用把手、電梯及抽屜時則需取下手套。
| Wear gloves during experiments, take them off before touching the drawers, handles on doors, buttons in elevators to prevent contamination in the public area. | 5. 坐在實驗椅上操作實驗,勿隨意走動或奔跑。實驗結束後應清理實驗桌。 | Carry out the experiments at your own seat and clean up the bench afterwards. | 6. 接觸過菌體的手套、吸管、拭鏡紙等均應棄置於生物廢棄袋中。 | Discard your gloves, droppers, Kimwipes and whatever that may have bacteria solution left to the "Biological Waste" container. | 7. 有機廢液應倒入有機廢液瓶中收集,不可傾倒於水槽內。 | Organic waste solutions (dye, chloroform, etc.) should be poured into the "Organic Waste Solution" bottle instead of the sink. | 8. 玻璃廢棄物應收集於指定的紙箱內。 | Broken glassware must be collected in the carton box, not any garbage can. | 9. 各實驗室儀器、藥品等非經老師許可,不得擅自攜出。 | Do not take out equipment or chemicals from the laboratory unless permitted by your teacher. | 10. 發生意外時應立即報告老師處理。 | If there is anything unusual or out of control, report to your teacher immediately.
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