Curr Opin Cell Biol 1996 Dec;8(6):795-804

Regulatory roles of cyclin dependent kinase phosphorylation in cell cycle control.

Lew DJ, Kornbluth S

Department of Molecular Cancer Biology, Box 3686, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA.

Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) are universal regulators of cell cycle progression in eukaryotic cells. Cdk activity is controlled by phosphorylation at three conserved sites, and many of the enzymes that act on these sites have now been identified. Although the biochemistry of Cdk phosphorylation is relatively well understood, the regulatory roles of such phosphorylation are, in many cases, obscure. Recent studies have uncovered new and unexpected potential roles, and prompted re-examination of previously assumed roles, of Cdk phosphorylation.

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PMID: 8939679, UI: 97094593