Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Rate


The HD exchange rate (kex) ia obtained by 1st order decay fitting of the intensity of time-dependent 15N-1H HSQC spectra. This requires two-state folding process assumption [NOTE]
Euqilibrium HD Ecchange Experiment
Equilibrium HD exchange of amide protons with solvent is a probe for local structural stability. Under EX2 conditions (kf >> krc), the free energy for the opening reaction that leads to exchange of individual protons can be obtained from the measured rates of exchange (kex) and an estimate of the random-coil exchange rate (krc):
GHD = -RT ln (kex/krc)


Two-State Folding Process:
  1. Nearly superimposable equilibrium denaturation curves followed by fluorescence and CD;
  2. Single-exponential folding and unfolding kinetics;
  3. Agreement between kinetically and thermodynamically determined deltaGU and m values.


GHD values at 295 K for amide protons in 0 M GdmCl (A) and 0.7 M GdmCl (B). Solid lines at 4.67 kcal/mol (A) and 3.47 kcal/mol (B) indicate the free energy of unfolding in D2O, GU D2O.

S, strand; 310,310 helix.


Danny S. Hsu 1999-2000. All rights reserved.