Homework 5

The Question:



The Answer :

1. (a) 1EMA

    (b) M.Ormo, A.B.Cubitt, K.Kallio, L.A.Gross, R.Y.Tsien, S.J.Remington

    (c) Expression system: Escherichia Coli

    (d) total 236 residue

    (e) 4 helixs

    (f) 1st helix starting residue:gly ending residue:phe

         2nd helix starting residue:trp ending residue:leu

         3re helix starting residue:gln ending residue:phe

         4rd helix starting residue:phe endind residue:ser

   (g) total 11 b-sheets


The green fluorescent protein structure

  GFP-1.gif (10850 bytes)

    we highlight the chromophore by spacefill and green

GFP-2.gif (10404 bytes)


Please presser this to see rotate molecule

3.Structure of GFP and color the two mutated positions blue. The mutated position is 66 and 145.

  In protein data bank, the PDB id code of blue variant of Green Fluorescent   Protein is 1BFP. The authors of paper is R.M.Wachter, B.A.King, R.Heim, K.Kallio, R.Y.Tsien, S.G.Boxer,S.J.Remington. Expression system is E. coli. MUTATION: S65, H66, AND G67 ARE REPLACED WITH IIC 66, Y145F. [the paper abtract]

   GFP-3.gif (11279 bytes)

¡@003.gif (1443 bytes)