zap load "ns1_2.pdb" restrict none select all ribbons color chain refresh echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause script "rotx5.txt" refresh script "roty5.txt" refresh echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause ribbons 0.8 select 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 26, 27, 29, 35 ribbons off wireframe 0.2 spacefill 0.3 color cpk refresh hbonds on color hbond yellow refresh script "zoomin.txt" refresh rotate x 5 refresh rotate x 5 refresh rotate x 5 refresh rotate x 5 refresh rotate x 5 refresh echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause script "zoomout.txt" refresh script "roty-5.txt" refresh echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause select all hbonds off spacefill echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause restrict none select all spacefill color structure select 20, 37, 38, 41, 44, 62, 67, 70 color blue echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause spacefill off wireframe 0.8 refresh rotate z 10 refresh rotate z 10 refresh rotate z 10 refresh rotate z 10 refresh rotate z 10 refresh echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause select all spacefill off ribbons script "rotx10" refresh rotate y 10 refresh rotate y 10 refresh rotate z 10 refresh echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause restrict none select all ribbons color structure echo "Hit anykey to continue." pause color chain