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Number of amino acids: 114 Molecular weight: 11715.8 Theoretical pI: 8.36 Amino acid composition: Ala (A) 11 9.6% Arg (R) 2 1.8% Asn (N) 3 2.6% Asp (D) 3 2.6% Cys (C) 10 8.8% Gln (Q) 5 4.4% Glu (E) 2 1.8% Gly (G) 10 8.8% His (H) 1 0.9% Ile (I) 3 2.6% Leu (L) 13 11.4% Lys (K) 6 5.3% Met (M) 4 3.5% Phe (F) 2 1.8% Pro (P) 7 6.1% Ser (S) 10 8.8% Thr (T) 10 8.8% Trp (W) 0 0.0% Tyr (Y) 2 1.8% Val (V) 10 8.8% Asx (B) 0 0.0% Glx (Z) 0 0.0% Xaa (X) 0 0.0% Total number of negatively charged residues (Asp + Glu): 5 Total number of positively charged residues (Arg + Lys): 8 Atomic composition: Carbon C 503 Hydrogen H 834 Nitrogen N 136 Oxygen O 155 Sulfur S 14 Formula: C503H834N136O155S14 Total number of atoms: 1642 Extinction coefficients: Conditions: 6.0 M guanidium hydrochloride 0.02 M phosphate buffer pH 6.5 Extinction coefficients are in units of M-1 cm-1 . The first table lists values computed assuming ALL Cys residues appear as half cystines, whereas the second table assumes that NONE do. 276 278 279 280 282 nm nm nm nm nm Ext. coefficient 3625 3435 3290 3160 3000 Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 0.309 0.293 0.281 0.270 0.256 276 278 279 280 282 nm nm nm nm nm Ext. coefficient 2900 2800 2690 2560 2400 Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 0.248 0.239 0.230 0.219 0.205 Estimated half-life: The N-terminal of the sequence considered is M (Met). The estimated half-life is: 30 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro). >20 hours (yeast, in vivo). >10 hours (Escherichia coli, in vivo). Instability index: The instability index (II) is computed to be 41.68 This classifies the protein as unstable. Aliphatic index: 89.82 Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY): 0.430

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