The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.

        WCMC is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence in the location and management of information on the conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources. These pages will guide you to global data on biodiversity and information relating to WCMC's activities in this field.

        bullet Latest News and Products
        WCMC's latest products include the Global Forest Information Service prototype, a new forest CD-ROM and the Coral Reefs and Mangroves of the World web site
        bullet Conservation Databases
        Data, maps and statistics on the forests, coasts, species, protected areas, national biodiversity and WCMC bibliographic database
        bullet Information Services
        Access to information on the status, value and management of biological diversity held at WCMC and elsewhere
        bullet International Conventions and Programmes
        WCMC supports directly or indirectly the activities of a number of international convention and programme secretariats
        bullet Capacity Building and Training
        Details of the capacity building and training programmes being developed by the Centre to support biodiversity information management
        bullet About WCMC and its Programmes
        Information on WCMC and its many programmes

        For further information please write to:
        Information Officer, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1223 277314; Fax: +44 1223 277136.
        Document URL: http:// /infoserv/index.html
        Revision date: 4-November-1997
        Current date: 5-April-1998
        Home Comments © WCMC