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Results about " green fluorescent protein "
| From | To | Found
Biological Sciences
| 1992 | Current | 278
Biology Digest
| 1989 | Current | 9
Conference Papers Index
| 1993 | Current | 19
| 1998 | Current | 383
| 1992 | Current | 85
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Results about " Kitts " |
From | To | Found |
Biological Sciences |
1992 | Current | 2 |
Biology Digest |
1989 | Current | 0 |
Conference Papers Index |
1993 | Current | 1 |
1998 | Current | 3 |
1992 | Current | 2 |
Results about " Structure " |
From | To | Found |
Biological Sciences |
1992 | Current | 8 |
Bology Digest |
1989 | Current | 0 |
Conference Papers Index |
1993 | Current | 1 |
1998 | Current | 6 |
1992 | Current | 2 |
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Query: (AU=(KITTS)) AND (green ADJ fluorescent ADJ protein)
TI: Title
Tracking and quantitation of retroviral-mediated transfer using a
completely humanized, red-shifted green fluorescent protein gene
AU: Author
Muldoon, RR; Levy, JP; Kain, SR; Kitts, PA; Link, CJ Jr
SO: Source
BIOTECHNIQUES, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 162-168, 1997
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Dual color microscopic imagery of cells expressing the green
fluorescent protein and a red-shifted variant
AU: Author
Yang, Te-Tuan; Kain, SR; Kitts, P; Kondepudi, A; Yang, MM; Youvan,
SO: Source
GENE, vol. 173, no. 1, pp. 19-23, 1996
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Expression and detection of green fluorescent protein (GFP).
AU: Author
Kain SR; Kitts P
SO: Source
Methods Mol Biol (UNITED STATES), 1997, 63:305-24
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Tracking and quantitation of retroviral-mediated transfer using a
completely humanized, red-shifted green fluorescent protein gene.
AU: Author
Muldoon RR; Levy JP; Kain SR; Kitts PA; Link CJ Jr
SO: Source
Biotechniques (UNITED STATES), 1997 Jan, 22(1):162-7
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Structural basis for dual excitation and photoisomerization of the
Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein.
AU: Author
Brejc K; Sixma TK; Kitts PA; Kain SR; Tsien RY; Ormo M; Remington
SO: Source
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (UNITED STATES), 1997 Mar 18,
AN: Accession Number
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Query: (TI=(STRUCTURE)) AND (green ADJ fluorescent ADJ protein)
TI: Title
Structure and fluorescence mechanism of GFP
AU: Author
Youvan, DC; Michel-Beyerle, ME
SO: Source
NAT. BIOTECHNOL., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1219-1220, 1996
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Structure and function of the Bacillus SpoIIE protein and its
localization to sites of sporulation septum assembly
AU: Author
Barak, I; Behari, J; Olmedo, G; Guzman, P; Brown, DP; Castro, E;
Walker, D; Westpheling, J; Youngman, P*
SO: Source
MOL. MICROBIOL., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1047-1060
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Chemical structure of the hexapeptide chromophore of the Aequorea
green-fluorescent protein.
AU: Author
Cody, CW; Prasher, DC; Westler, WM; Prendergast, FG; Ward, WW
SO: Source
BIOCHEMISTRY (WASH.)., vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1212-1218, 1993.
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Primary structure of the Aequorea victoria green-fluorescent
AU: Author
Prasher, DC; Eckenrode, VK; Ward, WW; Prendergast, FG; Cormier, MJ
SO: Source
GENE., vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 229-233, 1992.
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Crystal structure of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent
AU: Author
Ormoe, M; Cubitt, AB; Kallio, K; Gross, LA; Tsien, RY; Remington,
SO: Source
SCIENCE (WASH.), vol. 273, no. 5280, pp. 1392-1395, 1996
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
The molecular structure of green fluorescent protein
AU: Author
Yang, F; Moss, LG; Phillips, GN Jr*
SO: Source
NAT. BIOTECHNOL., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1246-1251, 1996
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Crystal structure and photodynamic behavior of the blue emission
variant Y66H/Y145F of green fluorescent protein
AU: Author
Wachter, RM; King, BA; Heim, R; Kallio, K; Tsien, RY; Boxer, SG;
Remington, SJ*
SO: Source
BIOCHEMISTRY (WASH.), vol. 36, no. 32, pp. 9759-9765, 19970800
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Gene structure, promoter activity, and chromosomal location of the
DR-nm23 gene, a related member of the nm23 gene family
AU: Author
Martinez, R; Venturelli, D; Perrotti, D; Veronese, ML; Kastury, K;
Druck, T; Huebner, K; Calabretta, B*
SO: Source
CANCER RES., vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1180-1187, 1997
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Structure and dynamics of green fluorescent protein.
AU: Author
Phillips GN Jr
SO: Source
Curr Opin Struct Biol (ENGLAND), 1997 Dec, 7(6):821-7
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
The MinE ring: an FtsZ-independent cell structure required for
selection of the correct division site in E. coli.
AU: Author
Raskin DM; de Boer PA
SO: Source
Cell (UNITED STATES), 1997 Nov 28, 91(5):685-94
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Crystal structure and photodynamic behavior of the blue emission
variant Y66H/Y145F of green fluorescent protein.
AU: Author
Wachter RM; King BA; Heim R; Kallio K; Tsien RY; Boxer SG;
Remington SJ
SO: Source
Biochemistry (UNITED STATES), 1997 Aug 12, 36(32):9759-65
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Gene structure and subcellular localization of FMR2, a member of a
new family of putative transcription activators.
AU: Author
Gecz J; Bielby S; Sutherland GR; Mulley JC
SO: Source
Genomics (UNITED STATES), 1997 Sep 1, 44(2):201-13
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
Gene structure, promoter activity, and chromosomal location of the
DR-nm23 gene, a related member of the nm23 gene family.
AU: Author
Martinez R; Venturelli D; Perrotti D; Veronese ML; Kastury K;
Druck T; Huebner K; Calabretta B
SO: Source
Cancer Res (UNITED STATES), 1997 Mar 15, 57(6):1180-7
AN: Accession Number
TI: Title
[Analyses of neuronal function, gene expression and chromosome
structure using micro-sensor probes]
AU: Author
Tamiya E
SO: Source
Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso (JAPAN), 1997 Aug, 42(11):1884-9
AN: Accession Number