Bioactive Peptide Design Based on Protein Surface Epitopes
Date : Nov. 7, 1997
Seminor instructor : Dr.³\©v¶¯
Speaker : ù¤¸¶W
Abstract :
The CD4-MHC class
ƒ¹ ƒ¹ interaction is critical for the activation of CD4+ T cells(1) which participate in the pathogenesis of a number of immune-based human conditions, including autoimmune diseases and organ transplant rejections. In this study, they have designed a small synthetic cyclic heptapeptide (cyclo(CNSNQIC)) derived from the CC` loop(amino acid 30-34) of human CD4 domain 1(2,3). According to the high resolution NMR spectroscopy, the structure of the cyclic peptide closely mimics the native CD4 D1 CC` surface epitopes. Then they showed that this peptide effectively inhibit the CD4-MHC class ƒ¹ ƒ¹ interaction, exhibited significant immunosuppressive activity in vitro and in vivo, and was not favorable for proteolytic recognition. Thus, they demonstrated this cyclic peptide possessed therapeutic potential as a novel immunosuppressive agent. Furthermore, they also showed a general strategy of bioactive drug design based on protein surface epitopes.(4)¡@
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