ExPASy Molecular Biological Server :

#TOOLS - Access to many protein analysis tools

#Compute pI/Mw - Compute the theoretical pI and Mw from a SWISS-PROT or TREMBL entry or for a user sequence

*address : http://expasy.hcuge.ch/ch2d/pi_tool.html

*enter one or more SWISS-PROT protein identifiers (ID) (e.g. ALBU_HUMAN) or SWISS-PROT/TREMBL accession numbers (AC) (e.g. P04406), separated by spaces, tabs or newlines. Alternatively, enter a protein sequence in single letter code. The theoretical pI and Mw (molecular weight) will then be computed.

*I want to find the pI and Mw of the Bacteriophage Lambda Cro Repressor

*enter protein sequence


Theoretical pI/Mw for the protein sequence


Theoretical pI/Mw: 9.75 / 7363.48