
1. Sho-Hua cloned a gene in the lab.

Please help him to identify the gene and its possible function.

Copy and paste the sequences that sho-hua cloned in the lab.
Blast with NCBI blast2.0 search, it seems that the sequences 
are murine leukemia virus retroviral vector
Click here to see the full result of query

2. How many nucleotide and protein sequence of Lycopersicon esculentum were know? Please find its class II small heat shock protein mRNA, complete cds. There have 1273 nucleotides and 1168 proteins of Lycopersicon esculentum were known. Lycopersicon esculentum is what we know the tomato, its class II small heat shock protein Le-HSP17.6 mRNA, complete cds were queried and the result are shown as below:
LOCUS LEU72396 738 bp mRNA PLN 23-APR-1998 DEFINITION Lycopersicon esculentum class II small heat shock protein Le-HSP17.6 mRNA, complete cds. ACCESSION U72396 NID g1773290 KEYWORDS . SOURCE tomato. ORGANISM Lycopersicon esculentum Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Charophyta/Embryophyta group; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; seed plants; Magnoliophyta; eudicotyledons; Asteridae; Solananae; Solanales; Solanaceae; Solanum clade; Lycopersicon. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 738) AUTHORS Kadyrzhanova,D.K., Vlachonasios,K.E., Ververidis,P. and Dilley,D.R. TITLE Molecular cloning of a novel heat induced/chilling tolerance related cDNA in tomato fruit by use of mRNA differential display JOURNAL Plant Mol. Biol. 36 (6), 885-895 (1998) MEDLINE 981 79102 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 738) AUTHORS Kadyrzhanova,D.K., Vlachonasios,K.E., Ververidis,P. and Dilley,D.R. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (24-SEP-1996) Horticulture, Michigan State University, Plant and Soil Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1325, USA FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..738 /organism="Lycopersicon esculentum" /cultivar="Mountain Springs" /db_xref="taxon:4081" /clone_lib="tomato heat-shock/chilling tolerance lambda gt11 library of D.R. Dilley" /dev_stage="mature green fruit" /tissue_type="pericarp" /clone="pHCT1" CDS 108..584 /note="heat treatment/chilling tolerance related protein from tomato fruit" /codon_start=1 /product="class II small heat shock protein Le-HSP17.6" /db_xref="PID:g1773291" /translation="MDLRLLGIDNTPLFHTLHHMMEAAGEDSDKSVNAPSRNYVRDAK AMAATPADVKEYPNSYVFVVDMPGLKSGDIKVQVEEDNVLLISGERKREEEKEGAKFI RMERRVGKFMRKFSLPENANTDAISAVCQDGVLTVTVQKLPPPEPKKPKTIEVKVA" polyA_signal 629..634 BASE COUNT 229 a 117 c 183 g 209 t ORIGIN 1 tacggctgcg agaagacgac agaaggggac tgcaattaca aatcaaacca aaattgacaa 61 atttcacgca caaaatcaca atatccaaaa atttctcaat actgaaaatg gatttgaggt 121 tgttgggtat cgataacaca ccactcttcc acactctcca ccatatgatg gaagctgccg 181 gtgaagattc cgacaagtct gtcaatgcac catcaaggaa ctatgttcgt gatgctaagg 241 ccatggctgc tacaccagcg gatgtgaagg agtatcctaa ttcgtatgtt tttgttgtgg 301 atatgccagg gttgaaatct ggagatatca aagtgcaggt ggaagaagac aatgtgctgt 361 tgattagtgg tgaaaggaag agggaagaag agaaagaagg tgcaaagttt attaggatgg 421 agagaagggt tgggaaattc atgaggaagt ttagtctgcc agagaatgcg aatactgatg 481 caatttctgc agtttgtcaa gatggagttc tgactgttac tgttcagaaa ttgcctcctc 541 ctgagccaaa gaaacccaaa acaattgagg tgaaagttgc ttgaagttat ggactctgtt 601 ttgatggttt gtggtatgat gtagtagaaa taaagttgta ggagtagtga acttttcctt 661 tcatctttct gctatgtttt cacgtctgtt tgaatgttac aatagccatg ggtattgttt 721 gttttgatgc caaaaaaa
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