
1. C2 domains are calcium ion and/or phospholipid-binding domains ;
    they occur in a wide range of eukaryotic signaling proteins, and are
    involved in a large range of processes including lipid-second messenger
    generation, activation of GTPase and phosphorylation control. And £\-
    toxin has  PLC and PKC activity.

2. Two extremely expose hydrophobic residues Trp 214 and Phe 334,
     indicates the approximate position of a membrane binding surface.

3. Haemolytic activity
        * PC-PLC has no haemolytic activity.
           This protein lacks the C2-like domain.
           Sequence identity with the £\-toxin N-terminal domain is low
           (16%) in the putative membrane binding loop.

4. An addition C-terminal domain can confer toxicity
         * membrane binding
         * PKC activity

5. Iraq chemical warfare
         * antitoxin development

1999/4/28 Jiun-Ming Wu,  g874261