bluebean.gif (931 bytes)Homework 3

Q1: Show the crystal structure of a single GroES subunit.


groes.GIF (10230 bytes)

Detail view

The Rasmol Script

wireframe off

restrict none

select :p


color structure

zoom 200


Q2: Show the crystal structure of a single GroEL subunit.


groel.GIF (23394 bytes)

Detail view

The Rasmol Script

wireframe off

restrict none

select :b


color structure

zoom 300


Q3: Show "top view" C-alpha trace colored by chain of GroEL and measure the width of its central cavities.


topview.GIF (168224 bytes) The witdth of GroEL's central cavities is 41.31 A

Detail view

The Rasmol Script

wireframe off

restrict none

select :a or :b or :c or :d or :e or :f or :g


color chian

restrict alpha

set picking moniter

set picking label

set picking moniter

zoom 300


Q4: Show "side view" cartoon display colored by structure of GroES and measure its width.


sideview.GIF (8636 bytes) The width of GroES is 96.256 A

Detail View

The Rasmol Script

wireframe off

restrict none

select :o or :p or :r or :s or :t or :u


color chain

rotate x 90

rotate x 90

rotate x 90

zoom 150

set picking moniter

set picking distance


color structure


Q5: Estimate the central cavities' width of GroEL from image shown above.

       Compare this width with the one you measured from crystal structure.

Ans: The central cavities' width of GroEL from image is about 5 nm (50 A)

         The central cavities' width of GroEL from crystal structure is 4.131 nm (41.31 A)