CD of Subtilisin

Image of subtilisin showing its numerous helical, beta sheet and looped regions.

 CD DATA fitted by CD-FIT program (B.Rupp, 1996)
 CD raw data file        : c:\cary\gg36\gg36.knp                                                   
 CD baseline file        : c:\cary\gg36\gg36.bas                                                   
 Sample header file      : c:\cary\gg36\gg36.txt                                            
 Ellipticity output file : c:\cary\gg36\gg36.CDF                                                   
 Results file            : c:\cary\gg36\gg36.RES                                                   
 Standard data file      : lys.dat
 46 data points from 205 to 250 nm
 Molecular weight       g/mol   :    26698.00
 Sample concentration  mg/cm3   :     .500000
 Sample concentration   g/cm3   :   .00050000
 Sample concentration mol/cm3   :   .00000002
 Cell path             mm       :     .500000
 Cell path             cm       :     .050000
 Number of residues             :  269.000000
 Conversion factor [cm2/dmole]  :106792000.00
  Zero shift applied :    2.
  Least squares percentage(s) and scale factor
           57.92     26.22     15.85       .77

  rmsd     helix     sheet      coil     scale
 68.08     44.58     20.18     12.20       .77
  Rfac  %  helix     sheet      coil
  3.15     57.92     26.22     15.85