T.H. Liu, Y.T.
Huang, H.W. Cheng, W.Y. Jheng, T.W. Huang, S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L.
Pan (2010) Single-molecule take-and-paste technique. The 8th International Conference and Workshop on Biological
Barriers-in vitro Tools, Nanotoxicology, and Nanomedicine. Saarbrücken,
T.H. Liu, Y.T. Huang, H.W. Cheng, W.Y.
Jheng, T.W. Huang, S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L. Pan (2010) Reconstitution
of a single membrane protein in lipid bilayer by a single-molecule
take-and-paste technique. The 7th Best Poster and Paper
Competition of College of Life Science. HsinChu, Taiwan.
T.H. Liu, Y.T. Huang, H.W. Cheng, W.Y. Jheng, S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L.
Pan (2010) Placement
of a single membrane protein on lipid bilayer by single-molecule take-and-paste. The
25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Taipei,
T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, S.M. Lin, T.W. Huang, T.H. Chuang,
S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L. Pan (2009) The proximity between C-termini
of dimeric vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase determined using atomic force
microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
Taipei, Taiwan. (Outstanding Poster Award)
T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, S.M. Lin, T.W. Huang, T.H. Chuang,
S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L. Pan (2009) The proximity between C-termini of dimeric
vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase. The 17th Symposium on Recent Advances
in Cellular and Molecular Biology. PinTung, Taiwan. (Best Poster Award)
6. T.H. Liu, Y.T. Huang, T.W. Huang, S.K.
Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L. Pan (2009) Single
Biomolecule Detection and Manipulation. The
6th Best Poster and Paper Competition of College of Life Science.
HsinChu, Taiwan.
7. T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, S.M. Lin, T.W. Huang, T.H. Chuang,
S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L. Pan (2008) The proximity between C-termini of
dimeric vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase. The 5th Best Poster and Paper Competition of College of Life Science.
HsinChu, Taiwan. (Best Poster Award)
T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, S.M. Lin, Y.J. Pan, C.H. Lee, C.H. Lee, Y.W. Chen, R.L. Pan (2007) Dimeric
structure of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase
determined by atomic force microscopy. The 4th Best Poster and Paper Competition of College of Life Science.
HsinChu, Taiwan.
9. T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, J.H. Lee, P.F. Liu, R.L. Pan (2006) Dimeric
structure of H+-pyrophosphatase
imaged by atomic force microscopy. The 3th Best Poster and Paper Competition of College of Life Science.
HsinChu, Taiwan.
10. T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, Y.J. Pan, J.H. Li, F.G.
Tseng, R.L. Pan (2006) Imaging of
reconstituted vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase by atomic force
microscopy. The
21th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Taipei,
T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, S.K. Fan, C.C. Fu, F.G. Tseng, R.L.
Pan (2006) 活體單分子膜蛋白H+-PPase之奈米尺度操控、分子間作用力量測、及動態生理特性分析.The
10th Nano Engineering and Micro System Technology Workshop, HsinChu, Taiwan.
T.H. Liu, Y.J. Pan, W.Z. Lee, J.H.
Li, F.G. Tseng, R.L. Pan (2005) Force
spectroscopy studies H+-PPase by atomic force microscopy. The
20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. Taipei,
T.H. Liu, S.H. Hsu, Y.T. Huang, W.Z. Lee,
C.H. Lee, R.L. Pan (2005) H+-pyrophosphatase imaged by atomic force
microscopy. The 2th Best Poster and Paper Competition of College of Life Science.
HsinChu, Taiwan.