楊孝德 Dr. Shiaw-Der Yang

國立清華大學講座教授 (Tsing Hua Chair Professor of Life Sciences)



  1. 以訊號傳遞的眼光,利用多功能多受質訊號傳遞分子、細胞及動物為模式,並結合臨床中西醫、病理、流行病學及社會心理學,針對臨床醫師及病人需求,以多角度、多方面去建立各種癌病早期診斷、早期治療 及癒後精確追蹤並提供更有效輔助治療的新方法及新策略,和當今臨床醫師的開刀、化療、放療等相輔相成、相得益彰,藉以改善癌症病人的生活品質及存活率。 部分研究成果已有專利通過在案,正由本校智財技轉組積極推廣、宣傳及招商中,有意開發此項技術的廠商請逕洽智財技轉組

  2. 與國衛院合作,利用芝加哥大學Richard B. Jones教授研發之 Micro-Western array gene microarray,系統性研究攝護腺癌(prostate cancer)和大腸結腸癌(colon cancer)從正常組織病變為癌組織,持續惡化的過程中,蛋白質和基因表徵的變化,希望找出可供診斷、預後、治療的生物標誌(biosignature)。同時利用Micro-Western Array, gene array, miRNA array研究androgen receptor (AR)下游的完整signaling pathway,以及AREGFR、PI3K/Akt pathway之間的cross-talk。我們另外有利用Micro-Western Array研究抗癌藥物的機制,研究對象包含liver X receptor agonists,蜂膠萃取物caffeic acid phenethyl ester,綠茶兒茶素EGCG等。


Feng JJ, Cheng FC, Lin CH, Wei JW, Yang SD (2011) Characterization of 5-HT transporter and receptor system in HeLaS3 cells by [(3)H]8-OH-DPAT and other serotonergic ligands. Arch Biochem Biophys 506: 66-72

Shyur LF, Huang CC, Hsu YY, Cheng YW, Yang SD (2011) A sesquiterpenol extract potently suppresses inflammation in macrophages and mice skin and prevents chronic liver damage in mice through JNK-dependent HO-1 expression. Phytochemistry 72: 391-9

Feng JJ, Cheng FC, Lin CH, Wei JW, Yang SD (2010) Discovery and characterization of [3H]8-OH-DPAT binding to HeLaS3 cells. Arch Biochem Biophys 495: 14-20

Hsu YC, Fu HH, Jeng YM, Lee PH, Yang SD (2006) Proline-directed protein kinase FA is a powerful and independent prognostic predictor for progression and patient survival of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 24: 3780-8

Yu SY, Chiu JH, Yang SD, Hsu YC, Lui WY, Wu CW (2006) Biological effect of far-infrared therapy on increasing skin microcirculation in rats. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 22: 78-86

Yu SY, Chiu JH, Yang SD, Yu HY, Hsieh CC, Chen PJ, Lui WY, Wu CW (2005) Preconditioned hyperbaric oxygenation protects the liver against ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. J Surg Res 128: 28-36

Fu HH, Yang SD. Suppression of overexpressed proline-directed protein kinase FA inhibits the malignant growth of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. in press (2004).

Chung YC, Chang KJ, Yang CC, Lai MT, Hsu CP, Hsueh SF, Peng CC, Fu HH, Chang YF, Yang SD. Association of proline-directed protein kinase FA with tumorigenesis, invasion, and poor prognosis of human colon carcinoma. Cancer 95: 1840-1847. (2002).

Hsu CP, Yang CC, Hsueh SF, Peng CC, Fu HH, Yang SD. Suppression of proline-directed protein kinase FA potentiates apoptotic induction and greatly enhances chemosensitivity in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Cancer 92: 1753-1758. (2001).

生命科學一館204室  /  886-3-5715131ext.33463  /  lsysd@life.nthu.edu.tw