So what is in a cell? The cell as we mentioned is a fluid like membrane that surrounds the contents of the cell.
Cells are 90% fluid (cytoplasm) which consists of free amino acids, proteins, glucose, and numerous other molecules. The cell environment (ie the contents of the cytoplasm, and the nucleus, as well as, they way the DNA is packed) affect the gene expression/regulations, and thus are VERY important parts of inheritance, below are approximations of other components:
What is inside the cell is the cytoplasm which is:
So, you ask, what are the relative sizes of biological molecules and cells?
Methane Water Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) ------- ----- ------------------------- H H H H | \ / | H-C-H O H-C-O-H | | H HAs far as molecules that make up the cell:
ELEMENT (Symbol)Atomic Weight Biological role
Calcium (Ca) 40.1 Bone; muscle contraction Carbon (C) 12.0 Constituent(backbone) of organic molecules Chlorine (Cl) 35.5 Digestion and photosynthesis Copper (Cu) 63.5 Part of Oxygen-carrying pigment of mollusk blood. Fluorine (F) 19.0 For normal tooth enamel development Hydrogen (H) 1.0 Part of water and all organic molecules Iodine (I) 126.9 Part of thyroxine (a hormone) Iron (Fe) 55.8 Hemoglobin, oxygen caring pigment of many animals Magnesium (Mg) 24.3 Part of chlorophyll, the photo- synthetic pigment; essential to some enzymes. Manganese (Mn) 54.9 Essential to some enzyme actions. Nitrogen (N) 14.0 Constituent of all proteins and nucleic acids. Oxygen (O) 16.0 Respiration; part of water; and in nearly all organic molecules. Phosphorus(P) 31.0 High energy bond in ATP. Potassium (K) 39.1 Generation of nerve impulses. Selenium (Se) 79.0 For the working of many enzymes. Silicon (Si) 28.1 Diatom shells; grass leaves. Sodium (Na) 23.0 Part of Salt; nerve conduction Sulfur (S) 32.1 Constituent of most proteins. Important in protein structure: Sulfide bonds are strong. Zinc (Zn) 65.4 Essential to alcohol oxidizing enzyme.