
Latest Version

Version Platform Download Release Date
v.1.4-r4-g2.5.1-x64 Linux hanitu-linux-x64-v.1.4-r4-g2.5.1.tar.gz 2016-05-24
v.1.4-r4-g2.5.1-x32 Linux hanitu-linux-x32-v.1.4-r4-g2.5.1.tar.gz 2016-05-24

Older Version

Version Platform Download Release Date
v.1.4-r2-g2.5-x64 Linux hanitu-linux-x64-v.1.4-r2-g2.5.tar.gz 2016-03-11
v.1.4-r2-g2.5-x32 Linux hanitu-linux-x32-v.1.4-r2-g2.5.tar.gz 2016-03-11
v.1.3-r9-x64 Linux hanitu-linux-x64-v.1.3-r9.tar.gz 2015-12-09
v.1.3-r8-x64 Linux hanitu-linux-x64-v.1.3-r8.tar.gz 2015-06-30
v.1.3-r8-x32 Linux hanitu-linux-x32-v.1.3-r8.tar.gz 2015-06-30
v1.2-r6-x64 Linux hanitu-linux-x64-v1.2-r6.tar.gz 2015-04-28
v1.2-r6-x32 Linux hanitu-linux-x32-v1.2-r6.tar.gz 2015-04-28

Source Code

See the Hanitu project on bitbucket

License information

  • The source code of GUI is released under GPL version 3.
  • The source code of Hanitu (the virtual world) is released under GPL version 3.
  • The Flysim neural network simulator is currently not open-sourced.

System requirements:

OS: Linux ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Minimum Recommended
CPU 2.33 GHz 3 GHz
RAM 1 GB or more 4 GB or more

Software requirement for developing Hanitu:

The Hanitu system consists of three core components:
toolset(GUI) java 1.8
Hanitu(The virtual world) gcc 4.8 and above
Flysim(The neural network simulator) gcc 4.8