check by cut NdeI+EcoRI or NdeI+HindIII
after ligation and transformation we get screened colonies
and we should check the plasmid we picked by miniprep and digestion to tell if it succeeds.
2. EcoRI + NdeI
3. EcoRI + NdeI
4. EcoRI + NdeI watch their band shifting and to digest it by EcoRI + NdeI
5. EcoRI + NdeI ----dM9 3.4 are correct ! (by another PCR check not listed)
6. dRG check by EcoRI + NdeI
PCR check
6.repeat EcoRI + NdeI
6. cut by NdeI + HindIII
PCR check & HindIII + NdeI (check direction) dRG 1& 8 are correct!