Construction of pGADhnRNPA1-£GM9;-£GRG
Insert: pEGhnRNPA1-£GM9;-£GRG (Cut BamHI,EcoRI and fill-in)
Vector: pGAD-GH (Cut BamHI and fill-in and CIP)
Check by cut NdeI+EcoRI or NdeI+HindIII
1.digestion----vector with BamHI and insert with EcoRI + BamHI
2.fill-in----using klenow (because the restriction sites of vector and insert are differient)
3.CIP----only vector to prevent it self-ligation
4.running gel, cut the bands & elute
6.transformation----the bacterial strain is JM101 (rAmp)
8.check plasmid