Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology & Department of Life Sciences


Dr. Oliver Wagner, Professor

Google Scholar: 1102 citations, h-index 15, i10-index 16



Pubmed entries

IF based on 2023 JCR (> 4 highlighted); Q = quartile / Citations from Google Scholar

  1. C.-S. Kuo, M.-C. Wang, O. Bayansan, S. N. Barmaver, P. Bhan, and O. I. Wagner*. A mutation in vesicular acetylcholine transporter increases tubulin acetylation compromising axonal transport. in revision *corresponding author. Preprint: (MOST 107-2311-B-007-003-)
  2. S. N. Barmaver, O. Bayansan, M. S. Khawaja, V. M. Ruckmani, D. S. Putri, M. Muthaiyan Shanmugam, and O. I. Wagner*. A Sideroflexin/Connexin adaptor ties kinesin-3 to mitochondria in neurons. in revision *corresponding author. Preprint: (MOST 111-2311-B-007 -010 -MY2, MOST 110-2311-B-007-006-, MOST 109-2311-B-007-007)
  3. O. Bayansan, P. Bhan, C.-Y. Chang, S. N. Barmaver, C.-P. Shen and O. I. Wagner*. 2024. Dual linker UNC-10/SYD-2 is sufficient to bind kinesin-3 UNC-104 to RAB-3 containing synaptic vesicles in the absence of the motor's PH domain. Neurobiol. Dis. 204:106766 [IF 5.1, Q1] *corresponding author. (NSC 100-2311-B-007-004)
  4. S.-C. Chen, N.-J. Zeng, Grace Y. Liu, H.-C. Wang, T.-Y. Lin, Y.-L. Tai,
    C.-Y. Chen, Y. Fang, Y.-C. Chuang, C.-L. Kao, H. Cheng, B.-H. Wu, P.-C. Sun, Odvogmed Bayansan, Y.-T. Chiu, C.-H. Shih, W.-H. Chung, J.-B. Yang, Lily H.-C. Wang, P.-H. Chiang, C.-H. Chen, O. I. Wagner, Y.-C. Wang, Y.-C. Lin*. 2024. Precise control of intracellular trafficking and receptor-mediated endocytosis in living cells and behaving animals. Adv. Sci. 11(45):e2405568. [IF 14.3, Q1] (NSTC 111‐2311‐B‐007‐010‐MY2)
  5. S. N. Barmaver, M. M. Shanmugam, Y. Chang, P. Bhan, G.-H. Wu, and O. I. Wagner*. 2022. Loss of intermediate filament IFB-1 reduces mobility, density and physiological function of mitochondria in C. elegans sensory neurons. Traffic 23(5):270–286. COVER. [IF 3.6; Q2, 3 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 100-2311-B-007-004 and 101-2311-B-007-002-)
  6. S. N. Barmaver, M. M. Shanmugam, and O. I. Wagner*. 2022. Methods to quantify and relate axonal transport defects to changes in C. elegans behavior. Methods Mol Biol. 2431:481-497. [3 citations] *corresponding author (MOST 107-2311-B-007-003-)
  7. M. M. Shanmugam, S. N. Barmaver, H.-Y. Huang, O. Bayansan, and O. I. Wagner*. 2020. PTP-3 phosphatase promotes intramolecular folding of SYD-2 to inactivate kinesin-3 UNC-104 in neurons. Mol Biol Cell (MBoC) Dec 15;31(26):2932-2947. COVER. [IF 3.1, Q3, 8 citations] *corresponding author (MOST 103-2311-B-007 -004 -MY3)
  8. P. Bhan, M. M. Shanmugam, D. Wang, O. Bayansan, C.-W. Chen, and O. I. Wagner*. 2020. Characterization of TAG-63 and its role in axonal transport in C. elegans. Traffic 21(2):231-249. [IF 3.6, Q3, 9 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 102-2311-B-007-006-)
  9. Chen, C.-W., Y.-F. Peng, Y.-C. Yen, P. Bhan, M. M. Shanmugam, D. R. Klopfenstein, and O. I. Wagner*. 2019. Insights on UNC-104-dynein/dynactin interactions and their implications on axonal transport in Caenorhabditis elegans. J Neurosci Res. 97(2):185-201. [IF 2.9, Q2, 18 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 102-2311-B-007-006-)
  10. Hu, C.-C., G.-H. Wu, S.-F. Lai, M. M. Shanmugam, Y. Hwu, O. I. Wagner*, and T.-J. Yen*. 2018. Toxic Effects of Size-tunable Gold Nanoparticles on C. elegans Development and Gene Regulation. Sci Rep. Oct 15;8(1):15245. [IF 3.8, Q1, 39 citations] *corresponding authors
  11. Shanmugam, M. M., P. Bhan, H.-Y. Huang, J. Hsieh, H. N. Punjabi, V. L. Aplicano, C.-W. Chen, and O. I. Wagner*. 2018. Cilium length and intraflagellar transport regulation by kinases PKG-1 and GCK-2 in C. elegans sensory neurons. Mol Cell Biol. (MCB) 38(7). pii: MCB.00612-17. COVER. [IF 3.2, Q2, 9 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 102-2311-B-007-006- and MOE 99N2455E1 99-100)
  12. Hu, C.-C., G.-H. Wu, T.-E. Hua, O. I. Wagner*, and T.-J. Yen*. 2018. Uptake of TiO2 nanoparticles in C. elegans neurons negatively affects axonal growth and worm locomotion behavior. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 10(10):8485-8498 [IF 8.5, Q1, 35 citations] *corresponding authors
  13. Wu, G.-H., M. M. Shanmugam, P. Bhan, Y.-H. Huang, and O. I. Wagner*. 2016. Identification and characterization of LIN-2(CASK) as a regulator of kinesin-3 UNC-104(KIF1A) motility and clustering in neurons. Traffic. 8:891-907 [IF 3.6, Q3, 32 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 100-2311-B-007-004 and 101-2311-B-007-002-)
  14. Chia, P. H., M. R. Patel, O. I. Wagner, D. R. Klopfenstein, and K. Shen. 2013. Intramolecular regulation of presynaptic scaffold protein SYD-2/liprin-a. Mol Cell Neurosci. 56:76-84 [IF 2.6, Q3, 34 citations]
  15. Tien, N.-W., G.-H. Wu, C.-C. Hsu, C.-Y. Chang, and O. I. Wagner*. 2011. Tau/PTL-1 associates with kinesin-3 KIF1A/UNC-104 and affects the motor’s motility characteristics in C. elegans neurons. Neurobiol. Dis. 43:495-506 [IF 5.1, Q1, 43 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 97-2311-B-007-006-MY3)
  16. Hsu, C.-C., J. D. Moncaleano, and O. I. Wagner*. 2011. Sub-cellular distribution of UNC-104(KIF1A) upon binding to adaptors as UNC-16(JIP3), DNC-1(DCTN1/Glued) and SYD-2(liprin-a) in C. elegans neurons. Neuroscience. 176:39-52 [IF 2.9, Q2, 29 citations] *corresponding author (NSC 97-2311-B-007-006-MY3)
  17. Wagner, O. I.*, A. Esposito, B. Köhler, C.-W. Chen, C.-P. Shen, G.-H. Wu, S. Mandalapu, D. Wenzel, F. S. Wouters, and D. R. Klopfenstein*. 2009. Synaptic scaffolding protein SYD-2 clusters and activates kinesin-3 UNC-104 in C. elegans. P Natl Acad Sci USA (PNAS). 106:19605-19610 [IF 9.4, Q1, 118 citations] *corresponding authors (NSC 97-2311-B-007-006-MY3)
  18. Wagner, O. I., S. Rammensee, N. Korde, Q. Wen, J.-F. Leterrier, and P. A. Janmey. 2007. Softness, strength and self-repair in intermediate filament networks. Exp Cell Res. 313:2228-2235 [IF 3.7, Q2, 169 citations]
  19. Dalhaimer, P., O. I. Wagner, J.-F. Leterrier, P. A. Janmey, H. Aranda-Espinoza, and D. E. Discher. 2005. Flexibility transitions and looped adsorption of wormlike chains. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 43:280-286 [16 citations]
  20. Wagner, O. I., J. Ascano, M. Tokito, J.-F. Leterrier, P. A. Janmey, and E. L. F. Holzbaur. 2004. The interaction of neurofilaments with the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein. Mol Biol Cell (MBoC). 15:5092-5100 [IF 3.1, Q3, 114 citations]
  21. Wagner, O. I.*, J. Lifshitz, P. A. Janmey, M. Linden, T. K. McIntosh, and J.-F. Letterier. 2003. Mechanisms of mitochondria-neurofilament interactions. J Neuroscience. 23:9046-9058 [IF 4.4, Q1, 223 citations] *corresponding author
  22. Bereiter-Hahn, J., C. Blase, T. Kundu, and O. Wagner. 2002. Cells as seen with the acoustic microscope. In: Acoustical Imaging, vol 26. Springer, Boston, MA. Editor: Maev, R.G. ISBN 978-1-4613-4644-9 [10 citations]. 
  23. Schindler, R., E. Weichselsdorfer, O. Wagner, D. Schmitz, and J. Bereiter-Hahn. 2001. Aldolase-localization in cultured cells: cell-type and substrate-specific regulation of cytoskeletal associations. Biochem Cell Biol. 79:719-728 [IF 2.4, Q3, 49 citations]
  24. Wagner, O., P. Hofmann, D. Langer, H. Schüler, P. Dancker, and J. Bereiter-Hahn. 2001. Sound attenuation of polymerizing actin reflects supramolecular structures: viscoelastic properties of actin gels modified by cytochalasin, profilin and a-actinin. Biochem J. 55:771-778 [IF 4.4, Q2, 29 citations]
  25. Wagner, O., J. Zinke, P. Dancker, W. Grill, and J. Bereiter-Hahn. 1999. Viscoelastic properties of f-actin, microtubules, f-actin/a-actinin and f-actin/hexokinase determined in microliter volumes with a novel non-invasive method. Biophys J. 76:2784-2796 [IF 3.2, Q2, 100 citations]


Oral presentations or posters at symposia


  • June 2023: 24th International C. elegans Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
    Poster (by Odvogmed Bayansan): “UNC-10/SYD-2 complex is sufficient to link kinesin-3 to RAB-3 containing synaptic vesicles in the absence of the motor’s PH domain


  • Nov 2022: TSBMB Meeting "Frontiers of Biochemistry in Biomedical Science", Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Oliver Wagner): “Molecular mechanisms that regulate kinesin-3 to move cargo on microtubules”
  • Nov 2022: Dept. Life Sciences "Mini-Symposium on Cytoskeleton", Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Syed Barmaver): “Unraveling the role of SFXN-1.2 in mitochondrial dynamics in conjunction with CX32 and kinesin-3 UNC-104”
  • Nov 2022: Dept. Life Sciences "Mini-Symposium on Cytoskeleton", Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Odvogmed Bayansan): “Understanding the effect of tubulin post-translational modifications on kinesin-3 based axonal transport”
  • July 2022: CeNeuro (Neurobiology of C. elegans), Vienna, Austria
    Poster (by Syed Noor Barmaver): “The role of novel identified regulator, SFXN-1.2 in mitochondrial dynamics in neurons and establishing linked neurological disease models”
  • May 2022: Graduate Symposia of The Department of Life Sciences, NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Syed Barmaver): “Loss of intermediate filament IFB-1 reduces mobility, density and physiological function of mitochondria in C. elegans sensory neurons.”
  • March 2022: Seminar Lecture Series of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Oliver Wagner): “Novel insights on the molecular basis of organelle trafficking in neurons”



  • June 2021: 23rd International C. elegans conference by the Genetics Society of America (GSA), USA (virtual)
    Poster (by Syed Noor 3): “Dissecting function and the molecular pathways of SFXN-1.2 in mitochondrial dynamics and its effects on worm behavior and neurodegeneration”
  • June 2021: 23rd International C. elegans conference by the Genetics Society of America (GSA), USA (virtual)
    Poster (by Odvogmed Bayansan): “Insight into the effect of tubulin post-translational modifications on axonal transport”
  • April 2021: Experimental Biology EB 2021 by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), USA (virtual)
    Poster (by Syed Noor Barmaver): “Deciphering function and the molecular pathways of a novel identified regulator SFXN-1.2 in mitochondrial dynamics and its effects on worm behavior and neurodegeneration”
  • April 2021: 2021 Annual ASBMB Meeting, USA (virtual)
    Poster (by Odvogmed Bayansan): “Understanding the effect of the tubulin post-translational modifications on axonal transport in C. elegans”
  • April 2021: BNA2021 Festival of Neuroscience by the British Neuroscience Association (BNA), UK (virtual)
    Invited Speech (by Syed Noor Barmaver): “Dissecting function and the molecular pathways of SFXN-1.2 in mitochondrial dynamics and its effects on worm behavior and neurodegeneration”
  • April 2021: BNA2021 Festival of Neuroscience by the British Neuroscience Association (BNA), UK (virtual)
    Poster (by Odvogmed Bayansan): “Understanding the effect of the tubulin post-translational modifications on axonal transport in C. elegans”


  • Dec. 2020: "CELL BIO virtual 2020" - international ASCB/EMBO meeting, Philadelphia, USA
    (Attendee: O. I. Wagner)
  • Nov. 2020: National C. elegans Meeting, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Syed Noor Barmaver): “Dissecting the function of SFXN-1.2 in mitochondrial dynamics and its effects on worm behavior”


  • Nov. 2018: Departmental Seminar of the College of Life Science NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Regulation of kinesin-3-based synaptic vesicle transport in C. elegans mechanosensory neurons”
  • Sept. 2018: International Symposium of Innovative Research and Graduate Education in Biomedical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Cilia length and intraflagellar transport regulation by kinases PKG-1 and GCK-2 in C. elegans sensory neurons”
  • Aug. 2018: National C. elegans Minisymposium, Taipei, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by M. C. "Zaira" Wang): “Investigations on how synaptic transmission defects alter posttranslational modifications of microtubules and subsequently axonal transport in nematodes”
  • Aug. 2018: National C. elegans Minisymposium, Taipei, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by M. M. Shanmugam): “LAR/PTP-3 modulates fast axonal transport by altering the interaction between kinesin-3/UNC-104 and liprin-α/SYD-2 adaptor”
  • Aug. 2018: National C. elegans Minisymposium, Taipei, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by P. Bhan): “TAG-63 is a neurofilament-like protein that affects the fast axonal transport machinery in C. elegans”


  • June 2017: 21th International C. elegans Meeting at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
    Invited Speech (by P. Bhan): “Cilia length and intraflagellar transport regulation by kinases PKG-1 and GCK-2 in C. elegans sensory neurons”
  • June 2017: 21th International C. elegans Meeting at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
    Poster (by M. C. "Zaira" Wang): “TAG-63 is a neurofilament-like protein that facilitates the fast axonal transport machinery in C. elegans” Wang, D., P. Bhan, M. M. Shanmugam, C. C. Chen, M. C. Wang and O. I. Wagner.


  • July 2016: Gordon Research Conference "Muscle & Molecular Motors", Mount Snow, USA
    Poster (by O. I. Wagner): “Two kinases PKG-1 and GCK-2 differentially affect development and intraflagellar transport of sensory cilia in C. elegans" Bhan, P., M. M. Shanmugam, J. Hsieh, H. Y. Huang, G. H. Wu, H. N. Punjabi, V. L. Aplícano, C. W. Chen and O. I. Wagner.


  • Nov. 2015: 3rd NTHU-NUS Bilateral Meeting "Frontiers in Molecular Biomedicine", Singapore
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Regulation of axonal and ciliary transport in the nervous system of C. elegans"
  • June 2015: 20th International C. elegans Meeting at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
    Poster (by M. M. Shanmugam): “Depletion of intermediate filament IFB-1 negatively affects mitochondrial trafficking, development and functionality of C. elegans in amphid sensory neurons”. M. M. Shanmugam, Y. Chang, G. H. Wu, and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2015: 20th International C. elegans Meeting at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
    Poster (by P. Bhan): “PKG-1 induces OSM-3 clustering at the distal tip of cilia and negatively affects IFT-A particle transport in distal segments”. Bhan, P., H. Y. Huang, M. M. Shanmugam, J. Hsieh, H. N. Punjabi and O. I. Wagner.


  • Jul. 2014: The 6th Asia-Pacific C. elegans Meeting, Nara, Japan
    Poster (by M. M. Shanmugam): “Depletion of intermediate filament IFB-1 negatively affects mitochondrial trafficking, development and functionality of C. elegans amphid sensory neurons”. M. M. Shanmugam, Y. Chang, G. H. Wu, A. F. Elshikh and O. I. Wagner.
  • Jul. 2014: The 6th Asia-Pacific C. elegans Meeting, Nara, Japan
    Poster (by P. Bhan): “PKG-1 affects OSM-3 clustering at the distal tip of cilia and negatively affects IFT particle transport in the distal segment”. Bhan, P., H. Y. Huang, M. M. Shanmugam, J. Hsieh, H. N. Punjabi and O. I. Wagner.
  • Mar. 2014: The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science Yang Ming University, Taiwan
    Poster (by P. Bhan): “Screening for ciliary kinases identified PKG-1 affecting both ciliogenesis and IFT particle transport in C. elegans”. Bhan, P., M. M. Shanmugam, H. Y. Huang, J. Hsieh, H. N. Punjabi, and O. I. Wagner.
  • Mar. 2014: The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science Yang Ming University, Taiwan
    Poster (by A. F. Elshikh): “Depletion of intermediate filament IFB-1 negatively affects the mobility of mitochondria in C. elegans amphid sensory neurons. Elshikh, A. F., M. M. Shanmugam, Y. Chang, G. H. Wu, and O. I. Wagner. (WINNER OF POSTER CONTEST)


  • Nov. 2013: TSBMB (Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
    Poster (by M. M. Shanmugam): “Depletion of intermediate filament IFB-1 negatively affects the mobility of mitochondria in C. elegans amphid sensory neurons”. Shanmugam, M. M., Y. Chang, and O. I. Wagner.
  • Aug. 2013: Developmental Biology Retreat Dunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
    Poster (by M. M. Shanmugam): “Suppression of intermediate filament negatively affects trafficking and functionality of mitochondria in C. elegans. Shanmugam, M. M., Y. Chang, and O. I. Wagner.
  • Jun. 2013: 19th International C. elegans meeting, UCLA, California, USA
    Poster (by Wu G.-H.): LIN-2(CASK) interacts with and activates kinesin-3 UNC-104 in the nervous system of C. elegans. Wu, G. H., Y. H. Huang and O. I. Wagner.
  • Jun. 2013: 19th International C. elegans meeting, UCLA, California, USA
    (by Hu C.-C.): “Ecotoxicity of anatase and rutile TiO2 nanoparticles
    on C. elegans in dark condition”
    . Hu, C. C., G. H. Wu, O. I. Wagner, and T. J. Yen.


  • Dec. 2012: TSBMB (Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Huisun, Taiwan
    Poster (by Chen C.-W.): “Dynactin subunit p150/DNC-1 directly interacts with and regulates kinesin-3 KIF1A/UNC-104 in the nervous system of C. elegans”. Chen, C. W., Y. C. Yan, V. L. Aplicano and O. I. Wagner. (WINNER OF POSTER CONTEST)
  • Dec. 2012: TSBMB (Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Huisun, Taiwan
    Poster (by Wu G.-H.): LIN-2(CASK) interacts with and activates kinesin-3 UNC-104 in the nervous system of C. elegans. Wu G. H., Y. H. Huang, P. Bhan and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2012: “Frontiers in Biological Sciences”. School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University Beijing, Beijing, China
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): Regulation of molecular motors in the nervous system of C. elegans".
  • June 2012: EMBO Conference Series “C. elegans Neurobiology”, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
    Invited Speech (by Chen C.-W.): “Dynactin subunit p150/DNC-1 directly interacts with and regulates kinesin-3 KIF1A/UNC-104 in the nervous system of C. elegans”. Chen, C. W., Y. C. Yen and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2012: 5th East Asia C. elegans Meeting (EAWM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Shen C.-P.): Investigating the role of UNC-10/RIM in regulating RAB-3 containing vesicle transport in C. elegans. Shen C. P., C. Y. Chang, C. W. Chao, and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2012: 5th East Asia C. elegans Meeting (EAWM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Wu G.-H.): LIN-2(CASK) interacts with and activates kinesin-3 UNC-104 in the nervous system of C. elegans. Wu G. H., Y. H. Huang and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2012: 5th East Asia C. elegans Meeting (EAWM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan
    Poster (by Chang Y.): The effect of intermediate filaments on mitochondrial motility”. Chang, Y., and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2012: 5th East Asia C. elegans Meeting (EAWM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan
    Poster (by Hsieh J.): “Screening for important kinases and phosphatases affecting intraflagellar transport and cilia biogenesis in C. elegans”. Jung, H., Helly Punjabi, P. Swoboda, and O. I. Wagner.
  • June 2012: 5th East Asia C. elegans Meeting (EAWM 2012), Taipei, Taiwan
    Poster (by Hu C.-C.): The enviromental toxicity of anatase TiO2 on the nematode C. elegans”. Hu, C. C., G. H. Wu, O. I. Wagner, and T. J. Yen.


  • October 2010: European C. elegans Neurobiology Meeting, Heraklion, Greece
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): Regulation of the molecular motor UNC-104(KIF1A) in the nervous system of C. elegans".
  • August 2010: The first Taiwan C. elegans meeting, Chi-Tou, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Chen C.-W.): “ A functional role of dynein/dynactin subcomplexes on UNC-104 motility in the nervous system of C. elegans.” Chen, C. W., Y. C. Yen and O. I. Wagner.
  • August 2010: The first Taiwan C. elegans meeting, Chi-Tou, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Tien N.-W.): “ Protein with tau-like repeats (PTL-1) is a cargo for KIF1A/UNC-104 and regulates its transport characteristics". Tien, N. W., C. C. Hsu and O. I. Wagner.
  • July 2010: 4th East Asia C. elegans Meeting, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
    Poster (by Hsu C.-C.): “ Visualization of neuronal precursor interaction complex in C. elegans using the bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay.” Hsu, C. C., J. D. Moncaleano and O. I. Wagner.
  • July 2010: 4th East Asia C. elegans Meeting, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
    Poster (by Huang Y.-H.): LIN-2(CASK) interacts with and activates kinesin-3 UNC-104 in C. elegans nervous system.” Huang, Y. H., G. H. Wu and O. I. Wagner
  • July 2010: 4th East Asia C. elegans Meeting, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
    Poster (by Chen C.-W.): Mechanisms of UNC-104/dynein interactions in the nervous system of C. elegans.” Chen, C. W., Y. C. Yan and O. I. Wagner.
  • May 2010: University of Osaka (Japan) and NTHU Joint Symposia, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Hsu C.-C.): “ Visualization of neuronal precursor interaction complex in C. elegans using the bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay.” Hsu, C. C., and O. I. Wagner. (WINNER OF PRESENTATION CONTEST)
  • April 2010: Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia, Suzhou, China
    Poster (by Tien N.-W.): The effect of tau protein on kinesin-3 UNC-104 motility in C. elegans.” Tien, N. W., and O. I. Wagner.
  • April 2010: Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia, Suzhou, China
    Poster (by Wu G.-H.): Regulation of kinesin-3 UNC-104 by the MAGUK-protein LIN-2.” Wu G. H., Y. H. Huang and O. I. Wagner.
  • April 2010: Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia, Suzhou, China
    Poster (by Shen C.-P.): "Control of liprin-a/SYD-2 binding to KIF1A/UNC-104 by the RIM/UNC-10 protein in C. elegans." Shen C. P., C. Y. Chang and O. I. Wagner
  • March 2010: The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan
    Poster (by Wang Z.-N.): “Neuropathological features of C. elegans neurons as determined by atomic force microscope (AFM) .” Wang Z. N., C. T. Lin, C. H. Lee, G. H. Wu, O. I. Wagner, F. G. Tseng and R. L. Pan.


  • May 2009: University of Osaka (Japan) and NTHU Joint Symposia, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Tien N.-W.): “ The role of MAPs and NFs on UNC-104/KIF1A motility.” Tien, N. W., and O. I. Wagner.
  • Jan. 2009: International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems and Soft-matter Biophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
    Poster (by A. Tarasov): “Flexural rigidity and persistence length of neuronal processes as a novel characteristic for describing neuropathological phenotypes .Tarasov, A. S., C. N. Wang, C. P. Shen, J. M. Chang, P. Gronat, P. C. A. Lizana and O. I. Wagner.
  • Jan. 2009: TIMS (Univ. Tsukuba, Japan) & NTHU Joint Symposium: Nano and Bio-related Materials and Technology, NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Poster (by Tu W.-T.): “Design of a bio-chip for identification and selection of neural stem cells from mixtures of various cell types. ” Tu, W. T., S. R. Yeh, H. Chen, O. I. Wagner, and F. G. Tseng.


  • Dec. 2008: Seminar of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Chi Nan University, Puli (Nantou), Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Introduction to Biological Machines, Cell Mechanics and Nanotechnology. ” O. I. Wagner.
  • Oct. 2008: 2008 Nanotechnology Conference at THU, Beijing, China
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Design of a bio-chip for identification and selection of neural stem cells from mixtures of various cell types. ” Tu, W. T., S. R. Yeh, O. I. Wagner, and F. G. Tseng.
  • Aug. 2008: 24th Biology Summer Camp in Chi-Tou, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Regulation of molecular motors in the nervous system of C. elegans. ” Wu, G. H., C. P. Shen, N. W. Tien, C. W. Chen, D. R. Klopfenstein and O. I. Wagner.
  • July 2008: NTHU Neuroscience Colloquium, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Tien N.-W.): Obstacles on the highway: tau, MAP1A and neurofilaments in Kinesin-3 regulation.” Tien, N. W., and O. I. Wagner.
  • July 2008: NTHU Neuroscience Colloquium, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by Shen C.-P.): The role of RIM(UNC-10) and CASK(LIN-2) in the KIF1A (UNC-104)/Liprin-a(SYD-2) complex.” Shen, C. P., and O. I. Wagner.
  • May 2008: Bilateral Meeting of National University Singapore (NUS) and National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Regulation of molecular motors in the nervous system of C. elegans. ” Shen, C. P., G. H. Wu, C. W. Chen, L. S. Chien, D. R. Klopfenstein and O. I. Wagner.


  • Nov. 2007: 2007 NHRI-NTHU Joint Research Conference, Zhunan, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Regulation of molecular motors in the nervous system of C. elegans. ” Wu, G. H., C. P. Shen, C. W. Chen, L. S. Chien, D. R. Klopfenstein and O. I. Wagner.


  • Apr. 2006: Seminar of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “LAR-interacting protein SYD-2 both clusters and regulates motor activity of KIF1A/UNC-104 in C. elegans.Wagner, O. I., A. Esposito, B. Köhler, D. Wenzel, K. Shen, F. S. Wouters, and D. R. Klopfenstein.
  • Mar. 2006: Symposia of the German Society for Cellbiology, Braunschweig, Germany
    Poster (by. O. I. Wagner): “How the LAR-interacting protein SYD-2 both clusters and regulates motor motility of UNC-104.Wagner, O. I., A. Esposito, B. Köhler, D. Wenzel, K. Shen, F. S. Wouters, and D. R. Klopfenstein.


  • Oct. 2004: 3rd Internat. Meeting on Protein and Membrane Transport, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophys. Chem., Göttingen, Germany
    Poster (by O. I. Wagner): “LAR-interacting protein SYD-2 may affect directionality of the kinesin motor UNC-104 in C. elegans .” Wagner, O. I., B. Köhler, and D. R. Klopfenstein.
  • Aug. 2004: Molecular Events in Living Neurons, Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Göttingen , Germany
    Poster (by O. I. Wagner): “Effect of LAR-interacting protein SYD-2 on the kinesin motor UNC-104 and synaptic vesicle transport in C. elegans .” Wagner, O. I., B. Köhler, and D. R. Klopfenstein.
  • Aug. 2004: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA
    Invited Speech (by P. A. Janmey): “Charge effects in neurofilament networks.” Janmey, P. A., Wagner, O. I., Mullin, C., and Leterrier, J. F.


  • Nov. 2003: 19th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, Huntsville, USA
    Invited Speech (by P. A. Janmey): “Biopolymer Networks and Cellular Mechanosensing.” Janmey, P. A., Georges, P., Wagner, O. I., and T. Yeung.
  • Apr. 2003: Annual Main Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Southampton, UK
    Invited Speech (by J. Bereiter-Hahn): “Modulation of actin polymerisation and mechanics with conventional and unconventional binding proteins.” Bereiter-Hahn, J., R. Schindler, and O. Wagner.
  • Mar. 2003: 47th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA
    Poster (by P. Dalhaimer): “Simulations of polymer adsorption: conversions for persistence length based on confinement dimensionality and lasso formation.” Dalhaimer P, O. Wagner, P. Janmey, D. Discher, and H. Aranda-Espinoza.


  • Sep. 2002: "Soft Matters" Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter, UPENN, USA
    Poster (by O. I. Wagner): “Cytoskeletal polymers and cellular organelles as seen by AFM .Wagner, O. I., and P. A. Janmey.
  • Jun. 2002: Seminar of the Institute for Medicine and Engineering, UPENN, USA
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): Mitochondria-neurofilament (NF) interactions are regulated by mitochondrial membrane potential, NF-phosphorylation and NF-sidearms .” Wagner, O. I., J. Lifshitz, P. A. Janmey, M. Linden, T. K. McIntosh and J.-F. Letterier.
  • Febr. 2002: 46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California, USA
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): Mitochondrial-Neurofilament (NF) interactions are regulated by NF-sidearms, NF-phosphorylation and mitochondrial membrane potential .Wagner, O. I., J. Lifshitz, P. A. Janmey, and J.-F. Letterier.


  • Nov. 2001: 9th Annual Retreat and Symposium - The Role of the Cytoskeleton in Diseases, UPENN, USA
    Poster (by O. I. Wagner): “Mitochondrial-neurofilament (NF) interactions are regulated by NF-sidearms and mitochondrial membrane potential.Wagner, O. I., P. A. Janmey, and J.-F. Letterier.
  • Sep. 2001: 26th International Acoustical Imaging Symposium, Windsor, Canada
    Invited Speech (by J. Bereiter-Hahn): Cells as seen with the acoustic microscope.”Bereiter-Hahn, J., C. Blase, T. Kundu, H. Luers, and O. Wagner.
  • Mar. 2001: SPIE 6th Annual Internat. Symposium on: NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, Newport Beach, USA
    Invited Speech (by J. Bereiter-Hahn): Characterization of cytogels using acousto-microscopy-based oscillating rod rheometry.” Bereiter-Hahn, J., and O. Wagner.


  • Dec. 2000: 40th American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
    Invited Speech (by J. Bereiter-Hahn): Control of mechanical properties of the actin-cytoskeleton by associations with glycolytic enzymes.” Bereiter-Hahn J., J. Flauaus, R. Schindler, O. Wagner and D. Schmitz.


  • Oct. 1999 : 1st Munich Symposium on Cell Dynamics, Martinsried , Germany (see Meeting report: Nature Cell Biol. 2000;2:E17-8)
    Poster: “Mechanical properties of polymerizing non-muscle und muscle actin and upon interaction with profilin, cytochalasin D and a-actinin. Wagner, O., J. Zinke, P. Dancker, W. Grill, and J. Bereiter-Hahn.
  • Oct. 1999: ACAS'99 "Mechanical Properties of Cells and Tissues", Augustusburg , Germany
    Invited Speech (by O. I. Wagner): “Mechanical properties of polymerizing non-muscle actin upon interaction with profilin.Wagner, O., H. Schüler, U. Lindberg, and J. Bereiter-Hahn.


  • Apr. 1998: 3rd European Research Conference: "Biophysics of Cytoskeleton", Obernai , France
    Poster: “Viscoelastic properties of f-actin, microtubules, f-actin/a-actinin and f-actin/hexokinase determined in microliter volumes with a novel non-invasive method. Wagner, O., J. Zinke, P. Dancker, W. Grill, and J. Bereiter-Hahn.
  • Apr. 1998: 7th International Congress on Endocytobiology, Symbiosis and Biomedicine: "From Symbiosis to Eukaryotism", Freiburg , Germany
    Invited Speech (by J. Bereiter-Hahn): “Reciprocal modulation of actin polymerization, cell motility and glycolytic enzyme activity.” Bereiter-Hahn, J., J. Airas, S. Blum, G. Minaschek, A. K. Mittal, O. Wagner and H. Fasold.
  • Jan. 1998: Internat. Symposium on the Mechanics of Plants, Animals and Their Environments: Integrative Perspectives, Santa Barbara , USA
    Poster: Determination of visco-elastic properties of cytogels in microliter volumes .Wagner, O., J. Zinke, and J. Bereiter-Hahn.