Chapter 1

Leucine Zippers and the

Oncoproteins c-Jun and c-Fos

1.1 Prelude

1.1.1 Differential gene expression

"We also now appreciate that molecular biology is not a trivial aspect of biological systems. It is at the heart of the matter. Almost all aspects of life are engineered at the molecular level, and without understanding molecules we can only have a very sketchy understanding of life itself. All approaches at a higher level are suspect until confirmed at the molecular level."

Francis H. C. Crick, What Mad Pursuit (1988)

Our knowledge of molecular biology has progressed far since Watson and Crick first proposed their structure of DNA (Watson and Crick, 1953b). At that time they correctly predicted the mode of DNA self-replication and that it was the sequences of bases which carried the genetic information (Watson and Crick, 1953a; 1953c). We now possess a much more comprehensive knowledge of how the cell replicates its DNA and how it decodes the information contained in the gene into protein, or to quote James Watson's `central dogma': DNA->RNA->protein (Watson, 1970). However, one enigma that Watson and Crick did not initially address and that has been slow to yield to modern scientific study is that of differential gene expression.

Almost every cell in the human body carries the same complement of DNA, i.e., they share the same genotype, yet human cells display a very large range of differing phenotypes. For example, a macrophage from one individual looks and behaves differently to a hepatocyte from the same individual despite the fact that the two cells share the exact same set of genes. These differences arising from a background of genetic identity are possible because cells have the ability to express a subset of their genome. Furthermore cells are able to express different portions of their genome at different times depending upon their needs. In other words, organisms have the ability to regulate gene expression. This is a critical property of all living systems as it allows organisms to adapt to changes in their environment.

1.1.2 Molecular decision making and disease

The ability to turn genes on and off permits organisms to make decisions at a molecular level. For example, the comparatively simple organism bacteriophage  has a fundamental decision to make upon infecting an Escherichia coli cell; it must either lyse or lysogenise the host. This seems like a rather insurmountable task for something without a cognitive ability. However, phage  successfully makes this decision every time it infects a new cell. The decision is made by the presence or absence of certain proteins within the bacterial cell, which in turn results in either the phage  genes for lysis being turned on and those for lysogeny being turned off, or vice versa (for a full description see Ptashne (1986)).

Gene regulation also plays an important role in viruses which infect eukaryotic cells. The human immuno-deficiency virus is a good example of an organism which produces undesirable gene activity. Treatment of such a disease is particularly difficult because the proviral genome is integrated into the host DNA. The onset of clinical symptoms can occur years after the initial infection, during which time the virus lays dormant. This period of dormancy, during which the level of virus particles in the circulation is so low as to be undetectable, indicates that the proviral genome is under tight transcriptional regulation. Although death is usually the result of a secondary infection, it is immune system failure which is the underlying cause. This immune system failure is associated with increased viral activity which is a result of a change in the regulation of the proviral genome. Therefore factors which can inhibit HIV gene expression form potential therapies.

Gene regulation plays a vital role throughout the lifetime of all organisms. The embryos of higher organisms switch on and off whole arrays of genes during the course of their development, with individual cells making decisions which will ultimately determine their role in the mature organism. However, aberrant gene regulation can lead to disease states. One good example of such a disease is cancer, in which the affected cells continually multiply where their normal counterparts do not. This alteration in growth pattern can be traced to the activity of a group of genes called oncogenes, i.e., genes which cause cancer. Some oncogenes are activated by alterations to their structure. These alterations can take many forms, including changes to the protein sequences encoded, changes to portions of the mRNA transcripts outside of the polypeptide coding regions, and changes to the promoter, enhancer and other regions which control gene expression. The proteins encoded by oncogenes (oncoproteins) are diverse in both structure and function, and include growth factors, cell surface receptors, protein kinases, and DNA-binding proteins. Despite this diversity of activities, oncoproteins share the common function of being involved with the signal transduction pathways that are responsible for converting extra- and intracellular signals into changes in cell growth. These pathways all culminate in the cell nucleus with the modulation of the activities of proteins which bind to DNA and alter gene transcription, the ultimate outcome being that certain genes are continually switched on (or off) and hence the cells divide uncontrollably. Thus, these transcription factors represent one key connection between growth signals and the resulting cell division. Cancer presents us with a good working model of abnormal gene regulation. By comparing the cancerous state with the normal state, it is possible to isolate the factors, such as transcription factors, which are involved with the regulation of cell growth. Thus, the study of transcriptional regulation can be very useful, not only for gaining a greater understanding of the life process, but also from the clinical perspective of developing treatments for many life-threatening diseases. Following Francis Crick's assertions given in Section 1.1.1, these studies must be made at the molecular level if we are to be confident in our understanding of how gene regulation is achieved.

1.1.3 Transcription in eukaryotes

In eukaryotes, the task of transcribing DNA into RNA is performed by three different polymerases: RNA polymerase I, RNA polymerase II, and RNA polymerase III. RNA polymerases I and III are involved with the specific transcription of genes encoding RNAs used in the translation machinery of the cell such as the transfer RNAs and ribosomal RNAs. Although the expression of these RNA genes is regulated, we will concentrate on the activity and control of RNA polymerase II, which is responsible for transcribing all the protein-encoding genes.

Transcription of a eukaryotic gene encoding a protein is initiated with binding of various factors to the promoter region of the gene, located 5' to the coding region; RNA polymerase II cannot by itself recognise a promoter and initiate transcription. Once these factors are bound, RNA polymerase II can bind to the promoter, and the stable complex thus formed cannot be easily displaced from the DNA. Transcription is then initiated with the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP. This hydrolysis is distinct from that required for the incorporation of ATP into the nascent RNA chain. Transcription then proceeds until termination occurs beyond the coding region. The exact mechanisms involved in the termination reaction are poorly understood. However, most mRNAs are cleaved at their 3' end near the conserved sequence AAUAAA which acts as a signal for the cleavage and subsequent polyadenylation of the 3' tail. The nascent pre-mRNA also undergoes 5' capping and splicing before it is translocated to the ribosomes for translation.

1.1.4 Regulation of transcription; enhancers and transcription factors

The promoter region of eukaryotic genes is an obvious point for controlling gene expression. The stability of the RNA polymerase II/DNA complex implies that negative regulation of gene expression must act to inhibit RNA polymerase II or its associated factors binding the promoter initially, rather than trying to remove the transcription machinery once it has bound. The diversity of sequences observed in eukaryotic promoters strongly suggests that there is a range of differing factors which bind to these sequences and can alter the activity of RNA polymerase II. These factors could either stimulate or inhibit, directly or indirectly, the binding of RNA polymerase II to the promoter, thus altering the levels of gene expression.

Another location for gene regulation is enhancers sequences. These DNA sequences can be located up to several thousand base pairs away from a gene and still have the ability to augment its transcription by over a factor of 100. How this is achieved over such long distances is still unclear. Enhancer sequences are often long (hundreds of base pairs) and are usually comprised of repeat sequences. An enhancer can lie in either orientation with respect to a gene and it can be either 5' or 3' of the promoter. Interestingly, enhancers can even lie within the genes they regulate. Enhancers are cis-acting elements, lying on the same DNA molecule as the gene they affect i.e., they do not work between chromosomes. One enhancer can alter the levels of expression of more than one gene, but it will preferentially act on the closest one. Enhancers are also tissue specific and thus are likely to be important in differential expression during development.

Enhancers exert their activities by binding proteins which must in some way make the DNA in the vicinity of a nearby promoter more accessible to the binding of RNA polymerase II and/or associated factors. A possible model of gene activation developed by Ptashne and Gann (1990) is shown in Fig. 1.1. Enhancer binding proteins belong to the group of proteins known as gene transcription factors. They are able to act like molecular switches, turning the expression of genes on or off in response to the needs of the cell and in turn to the needs of whole organisms. Many of these transcription factors have been identified as being the products of oncogenes. One such oncoprotein is called c-Jun and it forms the basis of the work described here.

1.2 c-Jun and c-Fos

1.2.1 Activator protein-1

Our knowledge of c-Jun began with the discovery of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) which was first identified as a transcriptional activator that binds to the enhancer regions of simian virus 40 (SV40) and the human metallothionein IIA gene (Angel et al., 1987; Lee et al., 1987a). Subsequently the binding site for AP-1 was recognised as being the TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate) responsive element (TRE) which is found in various genes including human collagenase, stromelysin, polyoma, and interleukin 2 (Angel and Karin, 1991). TPA is a tumour promoting phorbol ester which is a potent activator of protein kinase C. Binding of AP-1 is sufficient and necessary for induction of AP-1 dependent genes following protein kinase C activation and in addition AP-1 is also responsible for controlling the basal level of transcription in these genes (Angel and Karin, 1991). Numerous genes have now been identified which are associated with putative AP-1 sites. However, not all of these genes are responsive to TPA, nor is AP-1 the sole mediator of TPA-induced gene expression (Abate and Curran, 1990).

Investigation of AP-1 quickly revealed that it is composed of several distinct polypeptides (Angel et al., 1987; Lee et al., 1987b). These polypeptides have now been identified as the products of the jun and fos gene families (Curran and Franza, 1988; Angel and Karin, 1991). Cotransfection of a plasmid encoding either c-jun or v-jun, with a TRE-containing indicator plasmid, into undifferentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma stem cells (which show negligible AP-1 activity and undetectable c-jun and c-fos transcription) results in specific activation of the reporter gene on the indicator plasmid (Angel et al., 1988). By comparison, cotransfection of c-fos alone results in only marginal transactivation. However, cotransfection of c-jun and c-fos simultaneously produces more potent transactivation than can be achieved with c-jun alone (Chiu et al., 1988; Sassone-Corsi et al., 1988). This behaviour is a consequence of the need for these proteins to dimerise before they can bind to DNA. c-Jun is capable of homodimerising, and hence is active in the cotransfection experiment. Conversely, c-Fos is incapable of forming homodimers under physiological conditions and thus cannot bind to DNA on its own (Kouzarides and Ziff, 1988; Nakabeppu et al., 1988). The increased stimulation of AP-1 activity seen when both c-jun and c-fos are present is a consequence of the formation of c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers which are more efficient at binding DNA than c-Jun homodimers (Angel and Karin, 1991).

AP-1 activity is displayed not only by c-Jun homodimers and c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers, but also by a whole range of different dimers formed by members of the Jun and Fos protein families. Thus the term AP-1 is now used to describe the binding activity of these protein complexes to the TRE (Abate and Curran, 1990). The connection of c-jun and c-fos with AP-1 has lead to these two gene families and their products becoming the subject of intensive scientific study.

1.2.2 The oncogenes c-jun and c-fos

The v-jun oncogene was first discovered in the genome of the replication defective avian sarcoma virus 17 (ASV 17). ASV 17 is a retrovirus which was isolated from a spontaneous chicken fibrosarcoma (Maki et al., 1987) and it is capable of inducing oncogenic transformation in avian embryonic fibroblasts (Vogt and Bos, 1989), neuroretina, and myoblasts (Angel and Karin, 1991). v-fos was discovered in the murine osteosarcoma viruses FBJ (Finkel-Biskis-Jinkins) and FBR (Finkel-Biskis-Reilly) as well as the NK24 avian sarcoma virus. It causes transformation of fibroblasts in vitro and induces osteosarcoma in vivo (Verma and Graham, 1987). The discovery of the normal cellular counterparts of these viral oncogenes has greatly advanced our understanding of the molecular basis of cancer. We now realise that normal cells contain genes capable of inducing neoplasia i.e., oncogenes.

The expression of both the normal cellular genes c-jun and c-fos can be induced in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors (i.e., without the need for de novo protein synthesis). This has led to them being classified as immediate early genes. They are rapidly induced in response to a broad range of external growth signals and they are responsible for converting these short-term cell growth and differentiation signals, originating from outside the cell, into long-term, programmed responses by the cell (Vogt et al., 1990). Indeed, c-fos gene activity is believed to be so crucial in this role that it has been dubbed the "master switch" (Marx, 1987). It makes the earliest known nuclear response to numerous growth factors including platelet derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, and nerve growth factor as well as tumour-promoting phorbol esters, colony-stimulating factor-1, tumour necrosis factor , interleukin-1, and interleukin-3 (Marx, 1987; Angel and Karin, 1991; Smith et al., 1993).

Since the discovery of c-jun and c-fos, several related genes have been isolated which reveal that these genes are members of two gene families. The fos gene family is currently known to comprise c-fos, fosB, fra1, fra2 and dFRA while the jun family is made up of c-jun, junB, junD and dJRA. Just like c-fos, all the members of the fos family form part of the immediate early response. This is not true of the jun family, with only c-jun and jun B being responsive to mitogens. The products of these genes display different functions with some acting as transcriptional activators, while others act as transcriptional repressors.

c-Jun and c-fos play a vital role in the coupling of external signals for growth and differentiation to changes in gene transcription. A general model of stimulus-response coupling, proposed by Curran and Morgan (1987), is shown in Fig. 1.2. In this model, extracellular stimuli, such as the binding of growth factors to cell-surface receptors, results in an alteration in the levels or activity of secondary messenger molecules. These secondary messengers elicit immediate short-term responses as well as stimulating the expression of genes encoding adaptive regulators, such as c-jun and c-fos, whose products then modulate the expression of genes which produce long-term responses. These adaptive regulators would also control the expression of components in the secondary messenger systems to alter the cells response to subsequent stimulation. Thus c-jun and c-fos, along with other immediate early genes, represent the linchpin between growth signals and the ensuing gene expression required to produce cell growth and differentiation.

1.2.3 The nuclear oncoproteins c-Jun and c-Fos

The c-Jun and c-Fos proteins are the products of the cellular oncogenes c-jun and c-fos and are expressed in low basal levels in most cells (Abate and Curran, 1990). They are located within the cell nucleus and, as mentioned above, function as transcriptional activators, regulating the expression of a wide range of genes; forming the final step in signal-transcription coupling producing long-term changes in the patterns of gene expression and cell growth. Thus c-Jun and c-Fos make good targets for potential anticancer therapeutic agents, as many oncogenes encode proteins involved with the signal transduction pathways (Hunter, 1984). By targeting components, like c-Jun and c-Fos, which are involved in the terminal stages of stimulus-response coupling, any therapies thus developed would be effective against many cancers regardless of which component(s) of the pathway is/are defective.

c-Jun and c-Fos are comprised of several functional domains which are depicted in Fig. 1.3. The best characterised domains are those that mediate dimerisation and DNA binding, found near the middle of c-Fos and within the C-terminal portion of c-Jun. These domains are central to the activity of these proteins as transcriptional activators and are described in more detail later in this chapter. c-Jun and c-Fos also contain domains that can regulate both their DNA-binding activity and their ability to stimulate transcription.

c-Jun contains two regulatory domains known as A1 and A2, which lie N-terminal to the dimerisation and DNA-binding domains. A1 contains two further interdependent activation regions which share homology with identically spaced sequences in c-Fos, known as Homology Boxes 1 and 2 (see Fig. 1.3) (Hurst, 1994). The activity of these domains is regulated by kinase-specific phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues. This regulation is positive if phosphorylation occurs in the A1 domain at either of two sites which lie within and just adjacent to the HOB1 (Fig 1.3). Conversely, negative regulation of c-Jun occurs when sites N-terminal to the DNA-binding domain are phosphorylated, which results in a decrease in DNA-binding activity. DNA-binding can also be inhibited by the oxidation of a conserved cysteine residue located within the DNA-binding domains of both c-Jun and c-Fos (Abate et al., 1990). This oxidation results in the formation of sulfhydryl oxidation products which interfere with the cysteine-sidechain/DNA interactions and does not involve the formation of disulfide bonds.

c-Fos contains a transrepression domain within its C-terminal 27 amino acids. Phosphorylation of sites within this domain permits c-Fos to transrepress expression of the c-fos gene in a manner which is independent of the DNA-binding domain. v-Fos lacks these phosphorylation sites and is thus unable to transrepress v-fos expression. In addition to phosphorylation, repression can be mediated by alternative splicing products of the fully functional forms of these transcriptional activators. For example, one form of FosB, known as FosB, lacks the C-terminal 101 amino acids which is postulated to contain an activation domain (Foulkes and Sassone-Corsi, 1992). However, it still retains the protein dimerisation and DNA-binding domains which permit it to form inactive DNA-binding heterodimers with c-Jun. Thus the fosB gene can produce both an activator and a repressor from the one coding sequence.

The transformationally active form of c-Jun, v-Jun, contains several alterations and point mutations at locations which correspond to the regulatory domains of c-Jun. One substantial alteration is the removal of a fragment, called d, from the A1 domain. d is believed to bind a cell-type specific repressor. Interestingly, d is located immediately adjacent to the two phosphorylation sites involved with the activation activity of the A1 domain. Thus binding of a repressor to the d sequence in c-Jun may act to block the activity of protein kinases on these sites. v-Jun also has two point mutations, the first is a mutation at Ser243 to a Phe, making its DNA binding activity immune to down regulation by phosphorylation (Smith et al., 1993). The second, a mutation at Cys269 to a Ser, renders v-Jun immune to down regulation by the redox regulation mechanism mentioned earlier (Abate et al., 1990). Thus the net effect of these alterations within v-Jun are to render it largely immune to the effects of down regulation, resulting in v-Jun being continually active.

1.3 Leucine Zippers

1.3.1 The leucine zipper motif

The formation of active DNA-binding AP-1 complexes requires protein dimerisation. The dimerisation domains of c-Jun and c-Fos are contained within a segment of about 30 residues in length. These domains are characterised by a heptad repeat of leucine residues (see Fig. 1.4); in other words, leucine occurs at every seventh position within the domain extending over 4-5 heptad repeats. This leucine repeat motif was first observed in the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) of rat liver (Landschulz et al., 1988). At that time Landschulz and coworkers (1988) also identified the motif in the oncoproteins c-Myc, N-Myc, L-Myc, v-Jun, v-Fos, and the yeast gene regulatory protein, GCN4. Interestingly, most of these proteins share almost no sequence similarity within the leucine repeat domains apart from the heptad repeat of leucine residues.

The significance of the heptad repeat is not immediately obvious until the sequence is modelled as an -helix. Inspection of these sequences in the form of a helical wheel diagram (see Fig. 1.5) shows that the leucine residues align along one face of the hypothetical helix. Even though these protein sequences are somewhat dissimilar, they all show notable amphipathy when modelled as helices, one side of the helix being predominantly composed of hydrophobic residues (particularly leucine), while the other comprises a mixture of both acidic and basic residues, as well as uncharged polar residues. This arrangement is characteristic of proteins which form long stable -helices and can lead to intertwining of the helices to form coiled-coils, as seen in the keratins, lamins, and paramyosin (Crick, 1952; Cohen and Holmes, 1963; Parry et al., 1977; McKeon et al., 1986). Helix formation is stabilised by the amphipathic arrangement of hydrophobic residues and the formation of salt bridges between sidechains of opposite charge (Schulz and Schirmer, 1979; Chothia, 1984; Sundaralingam et al., 1987). Landschulz (1988) observed that C/EBP is not only amphipathic, but that it is also rich in oppositely charged residues that are juxtaposed in a manner suitable for intrahelical ion pairing and thus concluded that it was highly probable that this sequence exists as a stable -helix in aqueous solution.

Bearing these facts in mind, Landschulz et al. (1988) proposed that dimerisation of these proteins was mediated by leucyl sidechains, protruding from one monomer, interdigitating with the corresponding leucyl sidechains of another monomer in a fashion similar to the interlocking of teeth in a zipper (see Fig. 1.6) and thus coined the term `leucine zipper'. Furthermore, they suggested that the orientation of the helices with respect to one another would be antiparallel. Computer modelling of the C/EBP leucine repeat motif showed the leucine sidechains to be disposed at an angle pointing towards the amino terminus. Thus an antiparallel orientation would be more amenable to the interdigitation of these sidechains. The antiparallel arrangement would also allow the helix dipoles to attract, rather than repel. However, the possibility of a parallel arrangement was not excluded.

1.3.2 The orientation of leucine zippers

The orientation of the leucine zipper domains within the dimer was determined by some clever experiments using synthetic leucine zipper peptides with cysteine residues placed at the ends of the molecules as probes (O'Shea et al., 1989a). Mixing of two species of a GCN4 leucine zipper peptide in redox buffer, one with a Cys-Gly-Gly on the N-terminus and the other with Gly-Gly-Cys on the C-terminus, followed by separation on a reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) column showed preferential formation of heterodimers of the same species, i.e., in the parallel orientation. This was confirmed separately using a c-Fos mutant in which the N-terminal leucine was replaced by a glycine and the resultant molecule was coupled with various leucine mutants of c-Jun (Gentz et al., 1989). Pairing of these different mutants showed that c-Jun molecules with substitutions in their N-terminal leucines formed more stable complexes with the c-Fos mutant than those with substitutions in the C-terminal leucines. This indicated that the N-terminal c-Jun mutants were complementary to the c-Fos mutant, while the C-terminal ones produced an additive destabilisation which could only result from a parallel association.

The parallel orientation of the GCN4 leucine zipper combined with the observation of a 4-3 repeat of hydrophobic residues within the motif (i.e., the leucine residues lie four residues before and three residues after another hydrophobic amino acid) strongly suggested that dimerisation was achieved via the formation of a coiled-coil of -helices (O'Shea et al., 1989a).

1.3.3 Coiled-coils

The first atomic resolution pictures of leucine zippers was obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on leucine zipper peptides of GCN4 (Oas et al., 1990; Saudek et al., 1990; 1991b). These studies showed that these peptides form completely symmetric homodimers of extended -helices in solution (see Fig. 1.7). This symmetry, combined with the fact that the helices are parallel (see Section 1.3.2), gave further support to the hypothesis that leucine zippers form coiled-coils, as it is impossible for two parallel leucine zippers to have their leucyl sidechains interdigitate and still form a symmetric dimer (see Fig. 1.8). However, the complete symmetry observed in the NMR spectra precluded calculation of dimer structures using conventional methods.

The coiled-coil hypothesis was confirmed by X-ray scattering of two crystal forms of a 33-residue peptide corresponding to the leucine zipper of GCN4 (Rasmussen et al., 1991). Comparison of the GCN4 crystal's diffraction patterns with the pattern obtained from the coiled-coil protein -keratin revealed strong similarities. Both GCN4 crystals show strong meridional reflections at 5.15-5.2 Å rather than at 5.4 Å resolution which would be expected for straight -helices. They also share strong equatorial reflections on the equator at 10 Å. These reflections are also in agreement with Crick's (1953a; 1953b) calculations of reflections from hypothetical coiled-coils.

The monoclinic form of these GCN4 leucine zipper crystals diffracted X-rays to 1.8 Å resolution and the data thus obtained was used to obtain a high resolution structure of the dimer(O'Shea et al., 1991). This structure (see Fig. 1.9 and 1.10) revealed that the two parallel -helices formed a classical coiled-coil which was consistent with Crick's `knobs-into-holes' model of helix packing (1953b). In the crystal, each -helix wraps around the other to produce a left-handed superhelix. The crossing angle of the two helices is ~18 (very close to Crick's (1953b) suggested value of 20). The residues of the 4-3 hydrophobic repeat lie against one another forming a structure which resembles a ladder, the sides being formed by the helical backbones and the hydrophobic sidechains forming the rungs.

Thus, although the original leucine zipper hypothesis (Landschulz et al., 1988) correctly predicted that the leucine zipper motif was a protein dimerisation element, that the leucine residues were vital to this function, and that it formed an extended -helix, it was incorrect in predicting the mode of the helical association as being antiparallel and that the leucine residues interdigitated like the teeth of a zipper. Ironically, the leucine zipper model was based upon the coiled-coil paradigm. It was the almost exclusive use of leucine, which is unusual for coiled-coils, that lead Landschulz et al. (1988) to formulate their incorrect zipper hypothesis.

1.3.4 The role of the leucine zipper in dimerisation

Why then is leucine used at the virtual exclusion of all other hydrophobic amino acids? Several mutational studies have addressed this question (Kouzarides and Ziff, 1988; Gentz et al., 1989; Hirai and Yaniv, 1989). Surprisingly, many single hydrophobic amino acid substitutions have little effect on the dimerisation potential of leucine zippers. However, the cumulative effect of two or more mutations is poorly tolerated, resulting in a diminution of dimerisation activity and DNA-binding potential. The position of the mutations is also important, with substitutions of leucines within the middle of the motif being tolerated more than those at the N- and C-terminal leucine positions (Schuermann et al., 1989). Thus it would appear that leucine is not as critical as is suggested by its high level of conservation in leucine zipper proteins.

One possible explanation for the conservation of leucine is that it was the heptad repeat that was used as the criterion for identifying leucine zipper proteins (O'Shea et al., 1991). Indeed there are a number of proteins which contain two non-leucine residues at the leucine position (e.g., CPC-1, dC/EBP, CRP-1). However, this still cannot account for the very large number of proteins which do show the very strong conservation of leucine. The consistent use of a leucine repeat may facilitate the formation of heterodimers. In this role leucine would act as adaptor between leucine zipper monomers, providing a common interface and thus a basal level of affinity, with residues at other positions in the heptad determining the overall level of affinity (O'Shea et al., 1991). The use of leucine on only one face of the helix may also favour the formation of parallel coiled-coils which is required to bring the basic domains into juxtaposition for DNA binding (Alber, 1992).

However, a more fundamental explanation for the use of leucine lies in the fact that the coiled-coil formed by leucine zippers is incredibly short (approximately one quarter to one third of a superhelical turn) by comparison with fibrous proteins such as keratin which extend over many superhelical turns. In these fibrous proteins, leucine makes up only one-quarter to one-half of the residues found at the equivalent position within the heptad repeat (Parry, 1982; Conway and Parry, 1990). The short lengths of leucine zipper dimer interface would require the use of especially stabilising residues. The crystal structure of the GCN4 leucine zipper (O'Shea et al., 1991) shows that leucine does act as a stabilising agent as it is able to fill more space between the helices, it packs well with adjacent residues, and makes closer contacts with adjacent layers than other hydrophobic sidechains do. Thus, leucine is most probably the ideal amino acid for stabilising short coiled-coils.

One not so obvious reason is the effect of other types of residues on the oligomerisation state of coiled-coils. Francis Crick (1953b), in his postulation of the coiled-coil, hypothesised that the knobs-into-holes paradigm could easily be extended to the formation of three-stranded coiled-coils. Modification of the GCN4 leucine zipper which uniformly replaces all of the hydrophobic interfacial residues with isoleucine results in a molecule which forms a three-stranded coiled-coil (Harbury et al., 1993; 1994). Various other combinations can also produce four-stranded coiled-coils. Thus, leucine in combination with the other residues of the 4-3 hydrophobic repeat may be critical in maintaining the dimer state over other higher-order oligomers. This is important because dimerisation is critical to the DNA binding activity of transcriptional activator proteins which contain leucine zippers.

1.4 Leucine Zippers and DNA binding

Although the leucine zipper motif was initially thought to be involved with DNA binding directly, it was quickly ascertained that the leucine zipper is only responsible for mediating specific protein dimerisation (Kouzarides and Ziff, 1988; Gentz et al., 1989; Turner and Tjian, 1989), which in turn is an essential prerequisite for DNA-binding activity. The sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of leucine zipper proteins is contained in a region N-terminal to the leucine repeat which is rich in basic residues (Agre et al., 1989) (see Fig. 1.4). Thus, these DNA-binding proteins have now been termed basic-domain leucine zipper (bZIP) proteins. Once the basic domains of bZIP proteins were recognised as being the DNA contacting domains, they were quickly analysed for homology with previously recognized DNA-binding motifs.

1.4.1 Structural motifs of DNA-binding proteins

The DNA-binding proteins characterised to date show a wide variety of structures. However, most share the common theme of positioning one or more -helices within the major groove of DNA to make specific contacts with the bases. These contacts include hydrogen bonds, either direct or water mediated, and non-polar van der Waals interactions. Other contacts outside the major groove, with atoms of the sugar-phosphate backbone, are critical to the positioning of the domains within the major groove (Harrison, 1991).

Prior to the discovery of the leucine zipper proteins, two main groups of DNA-binding motifs had been elucidated: the helix-turn-helix and the Zn-finger. The helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif is characterised by two helices that are separated by a -turn. The HTH motif was first identified and characterised in prokaryotic activator and repressor proteins. It shows considerable sequence variability, but maintains a highly conserved geometry with the recognition helix directly contacting bases within the major groove of the target DNA, while the other -helix, positioned at nearly right angles to the recognition helix, lies across the major groove and makes some non-specific contacts (Struhl, 1989). Eukaryotic examples of this group include the homeodomain proteins Antp (Otting et al., 1990) and Engrailed (Kissinger et al., 1990).

Two different Zn-finger motifs have been found to date. The first (class I) is an approximately 30-residue module which coordinates one Zn ion between two cysteines and two histidines. The second (class II) is an approximately 70-residue module which binds two Zn ions, each coordinated by four cysteines each. The class I Zn-fingers are composed of a short -helix packed against a -hairpin. They bind to DNA as a repeating structure with three or more fingers in direct succession. The main contacts with DNA are made by the short -helices lying in the major groove, contacting three base pairs each. The repeating Zn-finger chain wraps around the DNA with a three base pair gap between each Zn-finger (Pavletich and Pabo, 1991). The class II Zn-fingers form a loop-helix-loop-helix structure with the two helices lying almost perpendicular to one another. One helix lies within the major groove when bound to DNA and sidechains from the second helix interact with the DNA bases (Luisi et al., 1991). The second helix and the loops make non-specific positioning contacts with the sugar-phosphate backbone in a fashion similar to that of the HTH motif.

1.4.2 The basic domain

The basic domains of C/EBP, GCN4, c-Jun, and, c-Fos do not show homology with either the HTH or Zn-finger motifs, indicating that these proteins contain a novel motif for sequence-specific DNA recognition. The basic domain is composed of a 16-residue sequence that contains a consensus sequence of N--AA--(C/S)R (Hurst, 1994). The 16-residue sequence starts exactly 7 residues N-terminal to the first leucine of the zipper motif (Vinson et al., 1989). This exact spatial register between the basic domain and the leucine zipper is invariant in all bZIP proteins and suggests that DNA binding depends on a stringently fixed three-dimensional relationship between the leucine zipper and the DNA contact surface in the basic domain. Indeed, sequence-specific DNA recognition is eliminated by insertions or deletions which alter the register between the basic domain and the leucine zipper (Agre et al., 1989; Neuberg et al., 1991).

1.4.3 The scissors-grip model and the induced helical fork model

Interest in the basic domain motif rapidly lead to the proposal of two very similar models for DNA recognition: the `scissors-grip' model (Vinson et al., 1989) and the induced helical fork model (O'Neil et al., 1990). Both of these models predict that the basic-domain leucine zipper (bZIP) forms a Y-shaped molecule with the stem of the Y being formed from the leucine zipper motifs arranged in a parallel coiled-coil of -helices and the bifurcating arms of the Y being formed by the basic domains which, like the leucine zipper motif, form extended -helices. These basic domain helices then lie within the major grooves at the centre of the dyad-symmetric recognition site.

The induced helical fork also predicted that the helical conformation of the basic domain is induced in the presence of DNA and that the N--AA--(C/S) quartet consensus sequence was critical for DNA binding. The scissors-grip model suggested that the basic domain contained an N-cap at the N-terminal Asn of the consensus sequence. An N-cap is formed by the sidechain oxygen of Asn hydrogen bonding to the peptide nitrogen two or three residues into an -helix, thus forming an N-terminal cap to the helix (Presta and Rose, 1988; Richardson and Richardson, 1988). This N-cap in the basic domain would allow the domain to form a 75 bend between two -helices, which in turn would permit residues N-terminal of the consensus sequence to continue tracking around the major groove of the DNA binding site. Thus, the structure formed is similar to the grip of a wrestler grabbing the torso of his opponent with the 75 bend corresponding to his knees, hence the term `scissors-grip' (Vinson et al., 1989). The need for a bend was deemed important as mutations of residues N-terminal to the consensus sequence block DNA binding (Gentz et al., 1989; Landschulz et al., 1989; Neuberg et al., 1989; Turner and Tjian, 1989). This model required that the formation of the second helix N-terminal to the N-cap and/or the N-cap itself be formed only upon DNA binding, to permit the protein to dynamically engage and disengage.

Several lines of experimental evidence have given support to these models. DNA methylation protection and hydroxyl radical cleavage footprinting show that C/EBP does bind its cognate DNA site in a symmetrical manner (Vinson et al., 1989), as predicted in both models. Mutation of the Asn residue, hypothesised to form an N-cap in the scissors-grip model, results in a marked loss of DNA-binding activity in the c-Fos bZIP domain (Neuberg et al., 1991). Construction of a minimal bZIP domain based upon the N--AA--(C/S) quartet consensus sequence and idealised coiled-coils results in a peptide which is able to bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner (O'Neil et al., 1990).

Circular dichroism (CD) studies on both native GCN4 and the bZIP domains of GCN4 and C/EBP (Patel et al., 1990; Weiss 1990b; Weiss et al., 1990; O'Neil et al., 1991) show that the basic domain is largely unfolded in the absence of DNA and that its folded, -helical conformation is stabilised by binding to DNA. Analysis of thermal unfolding and refolding indicates that there are three separate states for the GCN4 bZIP domain: (I) fully unfolded monomers, (II) partially folded dimer state in which the coiled-coil of the leucine zipper has formed, and (III) fully folded state which occurs only upon sequence-specific DNA binding (Weiss, 1990b). NMR studies of both the isolated basic domain and the entire bZIP domain of GCN4 in the absence of DNA shows that the basic domain forms a mobile flexible segment that folds into a loose helix (Saudek et al., 1990; 1991a). Thus many aspects of both the scissors-grip and the induced helical fork models appear to be correct.

1.4.4 The flexible hinge model

Both of the models described above assume that the bZIP domain binds to linear B-DNA. However, DNA bending is essential for the assembly of the multiprotein complexes that contact several DNA sequence elements during the initiation of transcription. The number of amino acids and base pairs which interact in bZIP/DNA complexes exceeds the number possible for straight -helices and straight B-DNA, indicating that either the protein, and/or the DNA must be bent to accommodate the number of contacts observed (Kerppola and Curran, 1991a). Quantitative application of circular permutation analysis, which measures DNA distortions based upon the electrophoretic mobilities of DNA fragments, has shown that c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers and c-Jun homodimers bend DNA in opposite orientations (Kerppola and Curran, 1991a; 1991b). This result suggests that the c-Jun and c-Fos basic domains adopt different structures upon DNA binding. This led to the formulation of the flexible hinge model (Kerppola and Curran, 1991a) in which c-Jun binds to DNA in a fashion similar to the scissors-grip model with an N-cap producing a bend between two helices in the basic domain. However, the angle between the two helices differs from that suggested by Vinson et al. (1989) due to the fact that the DNA is bent towards the dimer interface. In contrast c-Fos bends DNA away from the dimer interface. The flexible hinge model suggests that this is achieved by the major groove adopting an extended linear shape over the length of the recognition site and hence c-Fos does not need to bend within its basic domain. Molecular structure determination of c-Jun and c-Fos bound to DNA is yet to test the validity of this model.

1.4.5 The bZIP domain of GCN4

The only tertiary structures determined of complete bZIP domains are those of GCN4 bound to the AP-1 site (Ellenberger et al., 1992) and bound to the ATF/CREB site (König and Richmond, 1993). These studies have revealed that GCN4-bZIP domain does form a Y-shaped molecule as predicted by both the scissors-grip and induced helical fork models (Vinson et al., 1989; O'Neil et al., 1990). The ability of GCN4-bZIP to bind to both the AP-1 and ATF/CREB sites is intriguing given that these two sites differ by a base-pair in the middle of the site (Fig. 1.11). The additional G.C pair within the ATF/CREB site produces a rotation of 34 and a translation of 3.4 Å of its two half-sites with respect to one another by comparison with the AP-1 site. The binding of GCN4-bZIP to these two different sites is facilitated by DNA flexing which can accommodate the protein structure (König and Richmond, 1993).

In the GCN4-bZIP:AP-1 complex (Ellenberger et al., 1992), 52 out of 58 residues in each monomer form a continuous -helix with no pronounced sharp bends or kinks (see Fig. 1.12). The helices pack tightly against one another in a coiled-coil structure at the C-terminus. The last intermonomer contact is made between the methionine residues which are three residues N-terminal to the first zipper-motif leucines. The N-terminal DNA-binding domains then gently splay to either side of the DNA, traversing the major groove of each half-site. Various contacts are made between positively charged and polar residues to unesterified oxygens of the phosphodiester backbone via hydrogen bonds. The N-terminus continues on as a straight helix past the point of DNA contact, giving the protein the appearance of a pair of -helical tweezers.

The binding of the two half-sites is asymmetric, with an arginine of one monomer contacting the central G (see Fig. 1.11) while the corresponding arginine of the other monomer hydrogen bonds to unesterified phosphate oxygens. This causes the GCN4-bZIP dimer to be slightly displaced with respect to the pseudodyad of the AP-1 site and one monomer is drawn closer to the DNA than the other. This has the effect of tilting the axis of the coiled-coil by 3 away from perpendicular with the DNA axis. However, this asymmetry is not propagated down the helices; instead, local corrections within each monomer result in the other protein-DNA contacts being common to both half-sites. This indicates that the helical fork at the junction of the basic domain and the leucine zipper is somewhat flexible. The AP-1 binding site adopts a regular, straight B-form, with no systematic variation in phosphodiester backbone or base pair geometry.

The GCN4-bZIP:ATF/CREB complex (König and Richmond, 1993) shows an overall structure which is not too dissimilar to the GCN4-bZIP:AP-1 complex, with 49 out of 62 residues adopting an -helical conformation in each monomer (see Fig. 1.13). These two -helical monomers form a Y-shaped molecule, free of any sharp bends or kinks with the arms of the Y splayed by 25 as opposed to the 20 angle seen in GCN4-bZIP:AP-1. The C-terminal portion of the GCN4-bZIP dimer forms a quarter turn of left-handed parallel coiled-coil with the last intermonomer hydrophobic contact being made by the same methionine sidechains mentioned previously. Unlike the GCN4-bZIP:AP-1 complex, the coiled-coil lies exactly perpendicular to the DNA axis.

Despite the anticipation of major differences between the AP-1 and ATF/CREB complexes within the DNA/protein contact region, the two structures appear highly similar. The complete dyad symmetry of the ATF/CREB site allows the basic domains to bind in a symmetric fashion. However, the DNA is distorted away from the B-form by a symmetric 20 bend at the centre of the site towards the coiled-coil to accommodate the extra G.C pair, resulting in a slight deepening and narrowing of the major groove. The DNA is also marginally unwound from 10.5 to 11.0 base-pairs per turn. In effect the ATF/CREB site is altered to mimic the spatial relationships of the bases on one strand seen in the AP-1 site. The interactions between GCN4-bZIP and the other strand are then displaced by one base, although, the same specific interactions are maintained. Thus, the DNA structure flexes to accommodate the more rigid protein structure.

These structures most resemble the induced helical fork model (O'Neil et al., 1990), differing only slightly in the details of some of the protein-DNA contacts. In contrast, the scissors-grip model (Vinson et al., 1989) does not compare favourably with the X-ray structures. The anticipated bending of the basic-domain helices arising from an N-cap is not evident. In both structures, the invariant asparagine hydrogen bonds exclusively to DNA bases (König and Richmond, 1993). The scissors-grip model, although now apparently unlikely, may still be viable as it can explain the much greater bending of DNA observed in the c-Jun:c-Jun/AP-1 and c-Jun:c-Fos/AP-1 complexes (Kerppola and Curran, 1991a).

1.4.6 Basic domain helix-turn-helix leucine zipper

The previous sections have concentrated on the bZIP family of DNA-binding proteins. However, leucine zippers are also used for dimerisation by another class of transcriptional regulators known as the basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper proteins (bHLH-ZIP). Members of this class of proteins include the Myc family of oncogenes, their dimerisation partner Max, and the mammalian transcription factors USF, TFE3, and TFEB. These proteins use a slight variation on the bZIP structural theme to bind to DNA. Like bZIP proteins, bHLH-ZIP proteins have a leucine zipper for dimerisation and a basic domain for DNA binding. However, in bHLH-ZIP proteins these two domains are separated by another domain composed of a helix-loop-helix structure.

bHLH-ZIP proteins recognise the palindromic E-box DNA sequence motif (5' CANNTG 3') (Phillips, 1994). The crystal structure of the Max homodimer bound to its cognate DNA sequence (Ferré-D'Amaré et al., 1993) reveals that it forms a parallel, left-handed, four-helix bundle. The two basic-domain helices project from the bundle and enter the major groove of the DNA binding site from opposite directions in a fashion similar to that seen in GCN4 (Ellenberger et al., 1992; König and Richmond, 1993). The -helices C-terminal to the basic domain (termed H1) form the four-helix bundle by packing against themselves and with the helices N-terminal to the leucine zipper domains (termed H2). The H1 and H2 helices in each monomer are linked via a structurally well defined eight residue loop. The leucine zipper domain forms a regular coiled-coil structure.

Interestingly, the bHLH-ZIP proteins appear to bend DNA in a fashion similar to that seen for c-Jun and c-Fos (Kerppola and Curran, 1991a; 1991b; Fisher et al., 1992; Wechsler and Dang, 1992). It also appears that the bHLH-ZIP and bZIP families can associate with one another, as a bHLH-ZIP protein, termed FIP (Fos interacting protein), has been discovered which can heterodimerise with c-Fos in vitro (Blanar and Rutter, 1992). Cotransfection of FIP with c-fos into F9 cells produced transactivation of an AP-1 regulated reporter gene, however binding of the FIP:c-Fos complex to DNA has yet to be demonstrated in vitro (Blanar and Rutter, 1992).

1.5 Dimerisation

1.5.1 The advantage of dimerisation

It is well established that the leucine zipper domain of bZIP proteins mediates protein dimerisation. But is dimerisation essential? Protein engineering experiments in which basic domains of v-Jun are covalently linked via a disulfide bond at their C-termini have shown that these molecules are fully capable of binding the AP-1 site in a sequence specific manner without the need to have a leucine zipper at all (Park et al., 1992; 1993). Why then, during the course of evolution, has nature selected mechanisms for DNA binding which involve dimerisation? Dimers have some considerable advantages over their monomer counterparts, such as the increased surface area they can display for interactions with other molecules. In the case of DNA binding proteins, dimerisation leads to a doubling of the DNA contact area which results in a squaring of the affinity constant. Thus, tightly associated dimers can bind to their target DNA at concentrations much lower than corresponding monomers (Vinson et al., 1989).

1.5.2 Homo- and heterodimerisation

Another significant advantage of dimers is the potential of forming various mixed dimer species i.e., homo- and heterodimers. This allows a relatively small number of monomers to combine into a very much larger range of mixed species, each of which can then display a new combination of functions based upon the sum of their monomer components. For example, in bZIP proteins the formation of heterodimers leads to the juxtaposition of two different basic domains, producing a molecule which has an affinity for target DNA sequences which differs from that of the corresponding homodimers. In fact, it would be possible for bZIP heterodimers to recognise non-palindromic DNA sequences. Thus, heterodimerisation allows a comparatively small number of different bZIP proteins to form a very large number of differing transcription complexes which can regulate the expression of a very large number of genes (McKnight, 1991).

1.5.3 The function of the leucine zipper in dimerisation

The function of the leucine zipper as a protein dimerisation element is well established and in this capacity it also serves some other important functions for the regulation of gene transcription. As discussed above, the leucine zipper determines which proteins can homodimerise and those which can only heterodimerise. For example, at physiological concentrations c-Jun quite readily forms homodimers while c-Fos does not, but c-Jun and c-Fos together will rapidly heterodimerise. The strength of these interactions is determined by the complementarity of the interacting surfaces and leucine zippers contain specific elements which determine the specificity of recognition (Alber, 1992; O'Shea et al., 1992). Sedimentation equilibrium studies and thermal unfolding experiments have revealed that dimer stability decreases in the order c-Jun:c-Fos > c-Jun:c-Jun > c-Fos:c-Fos (O'Shea et al., 1989b). This result highlights another major function of the leucine zipper: the regulation of dimer concentration (Alber, 1992).

In the case of bZIP homodimers, the dimer concentration, and thus the number of molecules bound to target DNA sequences, is dependent on both the monomer concentration and the protein dimerisation binding constant. If this is then extended to a mixture of bZIP monomers, the ratios of the various homo-/heterodimer species will be dependent on the relative concentrations of each of the monomers and all of the protein dimerisation binding constants for each of the different homo-/heterodimer combinations. A good example of this is the case of c-Jun and c-Fos. The dimerisation binding constant of c-Jun homodimers is only slightly less than that of c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers, however, the dimerisation binding constant for c-Fos homodimers is very low. Thus, when c-Jun and c-Fos are mixed, c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers are formed preferentially over c-Jun homodimers.

One further consequence of the varying affinities leucine zippers can have for one another is that they regulate the tightness of DNA binding (Alber, 1992). Thus, the lower the binding constant for a given leucine zipper pair, the lower will be the associated binding constant for the target DNA sequence. Therefore, in the mixed environment of the nucleus, altering the concentration of a single bZIP protein can not only alter the range of target sequences bound, but also how tightly each of them are bound by bZIP transcription factors. Thus, bZIP proteins are able to provide a very fine level of control over gene transcription.

1.6 Objectives

The primary objective of the research described here has been to obtain a high resolution structure of the leucine zipper domain of the c-Jun oncoprotein (hereafter termed JunLZ) in solution using NMR spectroscopy. At the time of writing the only bZIP protein for which tertiary structural information is available is GCN4. Although GCN4 may well be an epitome of how all bZIP proteins work, it is yet to be established if this is indeed true. There is evidence to suggest that the structures observed in the GCN4-bZIP/DNA complexes may differ from those adopted by c-Jun:c-Jun homodimers and c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers when bound to the AP-1 site (Kerppola and Curran, 1991a; 1991b). Thus it would be very useful to obtain structural information on other bZIP proteins such as c-Jun and c-Fos to ascertain whether or not the conclusions drawn from GCN4-bZIP structures do indeed hold true for all members of this class of DNA-binding proteins.

Our current structural picture of how bZIP proteins interact with each other and DNA has largely been limited to what can be observed with X-ray diffraction techniques. These methods, although extremely useful, can only yield information on the crystalline form of protein and/or DNA. Crystalline forms of globular proteins usually adopt conformations that are very similar, if not identical, to the solution conformation. This can be rationalised by the large amount of solvent water trapped in protein crystals and the comparatively small number of contacts made between globular protein molecules in the crystal by comparison with the number of intramolecular contacts that hold the protein structure together.

However, bZIP domains are not globular and show a much larger number of crystallographic contacts which have an unknown effect on the structures observed. These contacts may have significant effects given the apparent flexibility of the components of bZIP/DNA complexes (e.g., DNA bending in the GCN4-bZIP:ATF/CREB complex; König and Richmond, 1993). X-ray diffraction is also, by its very nature, a static technique and has only a very limited ability to probe the dynamics of molecules. Thus it would be highly desirable to see the X-ray studies of GCN4-bZIP complemented by studies using a technique, such as NMR, which is able to yield both atomic resolution structural information as well as information on the dynamics of the molecule in its native solution state.

Currently, NMR studies on peptides encompassing elements of bZIP domains have provided only limited structural information (Oas et al., 1990; Saudek et al., 1990; 1991b; Junius et al., 1993). The key observation of these studies is that leucine zipper homodimers form symmetric structures in solution. Ironically, it is this same useful observation which has hampered further efforts to obtain more detailed structural information from these proteins using NMR. The symmetry seen in the NMR spectra of leucine zipper homodimers results in a problematic ambiguity which precludes the use of conventional structure calculation techniques. Thus, the current models of leucine zippers derived from NMR data are only of the monomer components of the dimers and hence are of almost no use in ascertaining the interactions which mediate dimerisation.

Therefore another key goal of this work has been to develop and apply new techniques which can yield complete dimer structures from the inherently ambiguous spectra of symmetric homodimers. The dimer structure of JunLZ thus obtained serves as the starting point for the realisation of further objectives. First the JunLZ structure represents another direct test of the Landschulz leucine zipper hypothesis (1988). Analysis of the structure in combination with biochemical data such as that obtained from mutational studies (e.g., O'Shea et al., 1992) can reveal both the molecular interactions responsible for the stability of the JunLZ dimer as well as those interactions responsible for the specificity of the interaction. Knowledge of these interactions provides a further insight into the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression. Furthermore, this knowledge can provide a basis for the rational design of both diagnostic kits and anticancer therapies based upon activity of the leucine zipper domain.

Last Modified: Wednesday 30 August 1995
Copyright © F. Keith Junius, 1995